PC Perspective Podcast #278 – 11/21/2013
Join us this week as we discuss our PS4 Teardown and Storage Benchmarks, ASUS MARS 760, and more!
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Hosts: Ryan Shrout, Jeremy Hellstrom, Josh Walrath, and Allyn Malventano
Program length: 1:16:24
Week in Review:
0:32:00 AMD Gaming Bundle Update
Ryan: Portapow USB Power Meter
I suggest anybody reading
I suggest anybody reading this to watch the live stream when it starts because this weeks pre-show was comical at the very least.
Check out Josh’s twitter, hes trying to impersonate Dick Cheney and even is quoted as saying he needed to work on his Dick Cheney smile.
Allyn took to eating his dinner out of a oven pyrex dish
Jeremy comes well prepared, nuff said.
and Ryan, Ryan showed up.
LMFAO. The look on Ryan’s
LMFAO. The look on Ryan’s face at the very end when Josh asked him who won the Halloween contest was PRICELESS!
BTW who did win the Halloween contest?
Another great podcast 🙂
Welcome Back Ryan! 😀
I still
Welcome Back Ryan! 😀
I still have no idea who won the Halloween contest. Perhaps we’ll know on the next podcast.
Ryan doesn’t get any dull moments when Josh is around! 😛
Nevermind, the post for the
Nevermind, the post for the Halloween contest results was posted shortly after. I am, however, still interested to see all the entries and the top 10 picks with the Judges comments on the podcast.
What about the winter holidays such as Christmas? Some really do go all out. I do as well, however in a different matter with a shovel at my side 😛