Computer storage website, Myce, got a hold of a few slides from Intel's SSD division. The semiconductor giant is expected to have (at least) nine active product lines with new SKUs apparently coexisting with certain older models. Two of the PCIe-based product lines, the P3700 series and the P3500 series, are expected to be available in capacities of up to 2TB. They will apparently be available in 2.5" form factor as well.
Image Credit: Myce
Intel has not produced the most mindblowing components over the last 3-4 years but, to my knowledge, they have been effective at wooing the enterprise customers. 2.8 GB/s reads and 1.7 GB/s writes at 450,000 IOPS for reading (150,000 IOPS for writes) seem pretty good, though. Combined with Intel's 5-year warranty and it will probably find its way into a few servers.
Each of the new products will be fabricated on the 20nm process (the older 910 Series and DC S3700 Series, both from 2012, will remain 25nm). Of course Intel has access to smaller processes at this point but, since these are enterprise products, it makes sense for them to use the more tried and true methods for the time being.
If you are interested in enterprise SSDs, keep an eye out in a couple of quarters. Maybe we will even see some stuff coming out of CES in a month.
25W typical power
25W typical power consumption. REALLY? An SSD? REALLY? OK HUGE speed, I get it, but 25W? Really?
Look at capacities. They
Look at capacities. They require a lot of chips and each chip takes some power. Also controller and supporting chips will take something.
Just look at consumption of DDR3 RAM…
I don’t think that it is the
I don’t think that it is the capacities. 1TB EVO has 4W power consumption IF I am reading correctly from a review at Anandtech. So you have more than 15W for the controller? Too much.
I think al just emailed intel
I think al just emailed intel for his press sample
is that a 2.5inch ssd with a
is that a 2.5inch ssd with a heatsink on it, i like it.