In case you hadn't heard yet, Steam is holding their annual Holiday Sale on PC games. What you probably didn't know though is that Amazon has committed to matching prices with the Steam sale! Now, the Amazon sales will just give you Steam keys that you can use in Steam, so what's the point? Well it makes it easier to combine with other purchases you may be making for the holidays and it also happens to support PC Perspective at the same.
What's not to love!?
Here are some of the best sales we found on the Steam Holiday Sale through Amazon on Day 7! Keep in mind that deals will change frequently so buy them quickly if you find one you want!
- Dark Souls – $5.99
- Anno 2070 – $7.49
- NBA 2K14 – $14.99
- Wargame Airland Battle – $9.99
- Hotline Miami – $1.99
- Bastion – $3.69
You can see the previous days' deals as well:
Not sure why you keep pushing
Not sure why you keep pushing amazon while I have steam. Yes, I know you said it’s convenient, but sounds more like some cheap low class marketing move to me, ryan. you sold old a while ago huh???
PCPer receives some small
PCPer receives some small kickback as an Amazon affiliate and they make no secret of this. In fact, they ask people to click through to Amazon from links on this site so that they can get a small bit of funding from it (you can even see the Amazon link on the right side of the page).
Also, I believe Amazon has a Steam price-matching promise, so it isn’t like they’re choosing a more expensive option (and you can redeem most or all of them on Steam, too).
It would probably be “fair” to also point to Steam sales at the same time, but come on — everyone who cares about Steam sales is refreshing the Steam website all day long during the holidays, already. We’re less likely to be checking Amazon all the time. Or even at all.
Of course, it says all of this in the article you just commented on, too, so . . .
He gets a little money if you
He gets a little money if you use the buy Amazon button on the side of this page, good for him, keeps this site running, it takes money not air to keep this site going….
Hotline Miami looks
Hotline Miami looks intriguing for $1.99. I might pick that one up for 2 bucks.