We have our winners!! Congratulations to the following 5 submissions and we'll have the upgrade kits on the way to you very soon.
- Lewis C.
- Levi K.
- Jonathan F.
- John G.
- Ben L.
I know that LOTS of you have been clamoring for information on how you can get your hands on one of those DIY G-Sync upgrade kits for yourself and I have some good news. Though I can't tell you where to buy one or how much it will cost, I can offer you 1 of 5 FREE G-Sync upgrade kits through a giveaway we are hosting at PC Perspective!
Here are the rules for the sweepstakes:
- You must already own an ASUS VG248QE monitor
- We need you to supply feedback on the G-Sync experience after the upgrade
- Sorry, this is only available in the US and Canada
Now, the real question is, how can you enter to win as long as you meet those above requirements? It's pretty simple!
- Fill out the form below with name and email information
- You have to include a link to a picture of your existing VG248QE monitor. Include text on it (or on a sheet of paper in the photo) that mentions this contest! Use Imgur if you need an image host.
- Leave a comment on this post that describes WHY you want G-Sync technology
- Hey, if you subscribe to our YouTube channel that won't hurt your chances either. Leave your YouTube name in the comment as well!
Our thanks goes to NVIDIA for supplying the kits and good luck to all participants! We'll pick our winners on December 23rd and have the units out by the end of the year.
Thanks PC Perspective for
Thanks PC Perspective for this chance to get a leg up on the newest tech! I’ve been watching G-Sync for a while now (at least as long as they’ve announced it) and it sounds like something I’d really love to experience for myself. Input lag drives my up the wall but the tearing I’ve been able to live with. If I could go without either, I’d love it to death. I’ve been a long time fan of Nvidia and I’d love to try this out so I can convert my family and friends (most of whom are AMD fans). Thanks again guys for running this contest. I hope I win, but if I don’t I look forward to seeing how people feel about it from this.
I have a
I have a VG278H.
I’d assume it would be compatible..?
It is because of the PC Per
It is because of the PC Per podcast and website is why I made the switch from gaming on the xbox 360 and the PS3 to gaming on PC. I am currently running a i7 2600K, 8 gigs of ram, 2 SSD’s, GTX 680, and a Asus VG248QE. And what a difference compared to console gaming. I worked for my dad at his tv repair shop for around 20 years, so doing this G Sync upgrade would not be a problem. And as good as gaming is on this GTX 680 and Asus VG248QE, I believe the G Sync upgrade would be the icing on the cake. Love the podcast and website, keep up the good work. Thanks.
I would like the G-Sync to
I would like the G-Sync to upgrade my VG248QE because I JUST got my 780ti SuperClocked and I really want to further enhance my gaming experience. Best Monitor: Check, Best Single-GPU: Check.
All I need now is the G-Sync to complete my setup! Also, I won’t just to a simple feedback, but on top of that, I will do a video review an upload it to YouTube.
I’d love to win one of these
I’d love to win one of these upgrade kits.
First of all, I have the monitor, as shown in the image I submitted along with the form, as well as a GTX 770 in my rig. So I’m good to go for G-SYNC. I’m an electrical engineering student, so the upgrade will be a breeze.
I notice stutter and frame tearing A LOT, when I play games that have annoying jumpy frame rates. Even in games with relatively smooth frame rates there is some issue. I’m very curious to see how G-SYNC looks in different games with different frame rates.
I play a lot of different games, ranging from RPGS, FPS, MMOs, racers, and pretty much anything else that comes out that takes my fancy.
I can definitely provide feedback of my experience with G-SYNC.
Hello to everyone at PC
Hello to everyone at PC Perspective,
I would really like the G-sync DIY kit because I’m always interested in new tech and I also hate games not running totally smooth.. it drives me nuts!! It’s the reason I saved up and bought a gtx 780 and went for 144hz monitor. I actually saw g-sync in person and was instantly sold. I asked the nvidia rep a bunch of questions, and I was excited to hear about the DIY kit for the monitor I was using.
I’m not too crazy about the price point they are aiming at, but it is an awesome piece of hardware that I would love to own.
Just wanted to say goodluck to everyone and happy holidays! 🙂
Youtube – Koda266
Man this is a great
Man this is a great contest!
I want Gsync because the tearing in Assassin’s Creed IV drives me crazy, but I can never make up my mind if I want to put up with the input lag or the tearing. With Gsync I won’t have to make such a compromise.
I forgot to mention my
I forgot to mention my Youtube name is ervinshiznit.
I want the g-sync upgrade kit
I want the g-sync upgrade kit cause I am tired of stuttering and screen tearing in video games. I bought my Asus VG248QE just to upgrade it with the G-sync DIY kit so, I hope I get the chance to :). Thanks for the opportunity guys…Love the site and your Youtube channel keep up the good work.
Been chomping at the bit ever
Been chomping at the bit ever since I read about this. As a FPS’er I always have vsync off but hate the tearing. I would love to see how this improves on things.
Would love to have the
Would love to have the opportunity to try this technology with my monitor. I cannot wait to experience the improvement in fluidity.
I want G-Sync DIY Module Kit
I want G-Sync DIY Module Kit because I have ASUS VG248QE and I ran benchmark most of the time to determine how much frames I get when I run these particular settings and every time I ran benchmark, it shows this Screen Tearing, Stutter, and Input Lag when I benchmark with H.264 Encoder NVIDIA Shadowplay. Even if I enable Vertical Sync or Adaptive Vertical Sync, it introduces slight input lag and stutters when my framerate drops below based on monitor’s refresh rate. So, that’s why it gets me disgruntled and I definitely need G-Sync to eliminate these 3 common cancers: Screen Tearing, Stutter, and Input Latency.
I am looking forward to this brand new technology and this just reminds me back in the old days where CRT and GPU and operate independently no matter how much frames GPU renders, it accepts as many frames as possible; irregardless of what game application I’m playing on.
I would really like to have
I would really like to have one of these cards… just got my Asus VG248QE and love it!!! I bought it with this card in mind and it would drive all my friends nuts knowing I have one!!! Hope you guys pick me!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Hi! First time I heard of
Hi! First time I heard of G-Sync I was blown away.
And once I heard that the first monitor supporting G-Sync would be the VG248QE I was very pleased!
I bought this monitor back in July and I love it so much! 24″, 1080P, DisplayPort, 144HZ!! It’s amazing, but I want to push it to the extrem with the G-Sync Upgrade kit.
I just want to experience games without v-sync and have no Tearing and such, it ruins the gameplay…
I built my own pc so I think I will be able to install G-Sync.
My GTX 770 will kick performance but more FPS = more tearing, so G-Sync will make it super-smooth!
My youtube name is either bootchoo96 or BoutchooQc (I renamed the first one to the second one this summer)
Best regards, Olivier.
I am really looking forward
I am really looking forward to testing G-Sync since tearing seems like it has always been the overlooked detail the past few years. Sure you can lock in V-Sync but then you get the frame rate penalties if you drop below 60fps and with the old double buffering that resynced to 30fps. I remember the days of tweaking with D3D Override and forcing triple buffering in D3D to reduce the hit to 2/3 instead of 1/2 when falling below 60.
Generally I have resigned to setting V-sync differently per app where I use a mix of full V-Sync, Adaptive V-Sync, and no Vsync for shooters like BF4. I am really looking forward to testing out G-Sync on my Asus, but I wish they also had a BenQ version since I prefer using a flicker free back light.
Thanks for the contest and
Thanks for the contest and love the podcast and website! I’m super psyched for G-Sync! I hope everyone can eventually get this tech, from the sounds of it, it’s quite amazing. I play a lot of competitive shooters from quake to bf to cod and everything in between… really any game! I’m not picky 😛 I would love G-Sync when playing not only shooters but huge expansive games that have amazing visuals ie. skyrim, far cry 3, etc. thanks again for the opportunity!
btw… just occurred to me I forgot to put the domain on my email address in the submission I really hope it’s not an issue :/ it’s @hotmail.com
and happy holidays to the whole crew!
I want GSYNC as it seems like
I want GSYNC as it seems like a logical answer for a problem that should have been solved long ago, a ‘pure feed’ to the monitor limited only by the drawing speed of the gpu seems like the future that should have always been. It definitely feels like the next evolutionary step in gaming; solving the problems of tearing and stuttering, and something that will be a very common thing in the future. We will look back and think, why did I have to mess with limiting my game’s graphics (or even my monitor’s 144hz) speed) to avoid these issues just to make my game run as it should? I’m very excited to experience.
just heard this on the
just heard this on the podcast and after feeling like I won the lottery after just buying this monitor in late November and upgrading video to an Asus direct cut 2 770. I will be submitting when I get home and cross my fingers and toes that I get drawn for this, I have been a hardware geek for the last 20 years and am so happy to see tech moving forward.
Would this kit work work with
Would this kit work work with a VG278HE? Just picked myself up that monitor as a shiny new x-mas gift 🙂
Horizontal tearing and
Horizontal tearing and stutter are the bane of my existence, which is the sole reason I bought the VG248QE. I am drawn to the G-sync module like a moth to a 40 trillion watt lamp. Tearing is that guy who asks for your opinion and always does the opposite of whatever you say. Tearing is pouring that bowl of cereal only to find you have no milk. Tearing is waiting at the DMV for two hours only to be told you’re missing a piece of mail with your current address.
It’s the source of a hatred that burns with the fire of a thousand dying suns, and only a G-Sync Module can quench it. Help me PC Perspective. You are my only hope.
Youtube: Phearbot8
Woah Almost missed the part
Woah Almost missed the part where you have to comment on the thread for a chance to win! I spend most of my free time gaming. The idea of a perfectly smooth experience on battlefield 4 going from 60-120 fps without chop sounds game changing to me. I cant wait to experience it.