Perhaps there are some people out there who are unaware that the free apps you download to your phone are broadcasting a lot of information about them back to the publishers but it seems that even the paid apps are playing freely with your personal info. According to the report The Inquirer read, of 95% of the top 200 free apps for iOS and Android have at least one nasty habit and more worrying is that 80% of the top paid for apps also have at least one questionable practice. There are differences in what information is shared, free apps are more likely to broadcast your location. Read on to see what else your apps are sharing with the world.
"Could the apps you have installed on your mobile phone be snooping on you? Based on the latest data from app security analytics firm Appthority, it's not merely possible; it's actually more than likely, particularly if you downloaded those apps for free."
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Not only is this true, but
Not only is this true, but the big metrics based companies have a vested intrest in pushing the more consumption based OSs onto more platforms(RT, and Android) at the expence of devices that are using full function OSs/OS distros. These big metrics using companies are subsidizing the hardware design and their channel sales, through advertising and other quid pro quo methods. There are new tablet CPUs/SOCs coming to the marketplace, some of which support the full desktop versions of the standard graphics drivers(OpenGL, OpenCL), and these systems will probably be mostly Android based, and to a much lesser degree RT(or whatever it will be renamed to in the future). It will be a great shame if most of the tablet based systems built around any of the newer ARM IP based SOCs are rooted to only consumption based OSs without the ability to run the full versions of OSs and the plentifull applications that come with the full OSs/OS disros. The consumption OSs are made to sell to, and collect metrics on the user, and do little in the way of bringing non cloud based, non metrics gathering choices to their end users, especially in the form of the open source applications that can be installed with the full OSs/OS distros! It sure is ironic that the main open source OS kernel is relagated to running a consumption based OS on a VM, and not have the development support to utilize the full distro functionality that the kernal affords. Hopefully a verson of Steam OS will become available for tablet devices built around the newer ARM IP based SOC, some like the Tegra K1 with more powerfull desktop architecture based graphics. A Steam OS(debian based) tablet would make for much more that just a gaming tablet, and because of the open nature of being Debian based, it would also be more usefull for creation, including creation for games.
i have seen this sh!tty
i have seen this sh!tty practice widely around almost all the apps that i came across.. at least in android, b4 u install the app it says what permissions r needed (but they dont tell the whole story). for people who willing to play around with ur phone, try Xposed framwork (root needed) for android. where u can install Xprivacy (im still not sure whether it works as mentioned) to monitor and deny all the permission that u think that the app should not need (ie angry bird asking for ur location or contact list)
PS. sorry about my english…
well if you got a rooted
well if you got a rooted phone you can use droidwall which is an ip-tables based firewall. if you use it as a white list it will block all evil apps.
Apple and Google can’t stop
Apple and Google can’t stop apps from accessing data from mobile devices, but they have provided user option to check and restrict apps from accessing their personal information.
iOS was loaded with this potion from quite some time and Android have added app-ops feature fro the same from Jelly Bean 4.3 version.
Wow very good apps, I should
Wow very good apps, I should thank you for writing on this topic, very useful information you have given through this blog.
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