For $10 you can pre-order Goat Simulator on Steam as it has gone from a wacky physics engine demonstration to a real … goat simulator.  They've even added a brand new feature to the tongue we saw sticking out of the goats mouth in the original video.  If you lick something it will stick to your tongue, which was put to the obvious use of chasing humans around while wielding an axe.  We can only hope that there will be a Troll Bridge add-on in the near future; how can you not buy this?

"Hmm, I worry that it’s ever so slightly less entertaining now it’s a real thing with a pricetag, as opposed to an out-of-nowhere joke. Now it’s got the Snakes On A Plane problem – it has to live up to its concept. Still, we (including I) asked for it, so down Goat Simulator’s rabbit hole we must go."

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