DX12 and its Mantle-like qualities garnered the most interest from gamers at GDC but an odd trio of companies were also pushing a different API. OpenGL has been around for over 20 years and has waged a long war against Direct3D, a war which may be intensifying again. Representatives from Intel, AMD and NVIDIA all took to the stage to praise the new OpenGL standard, suggesting that with a tweaked implementation of OpenGL developers could expect to see performance increases between 7 to 15 times. The Inquirer has embedded an hour long video in their story, check it out to learn more.
"CHIP DESIGNERS AMD, Intel and Nvidia teamed up to tout the advantages of the OpenGL multi-platform application programming interface (API) at this year's Game Developers Conference (GDC)."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- The TR Podcast 152: Intel's new desktop mojo, DX12, and TR does subscriptions
- DirectX 12 will also add new features for next-gen GPUs @ The Tech Report
- Malwarebytes offers Windows XP security support before Microsoft's April deadline @ The Inquirer
- Slow SSD Transition and The Consumer Mindset – Learning to Run With Flash @ SSD Review
- AMD Is Exploring A Very Interesting, More-Open Linux Driver Strategy @ Phoronix
- AT&T and Netflix get into very public spat over net neutrality @ The Register
An article on the state of
An article on the state of OpenGL support across the industry. Not just the big 4, but the smaller mobile GPU makers as well, as one of the mobile device GPU companies has just introduced hardware accelerated ray tracing. Just which of the companies in the GPU market have the best most up to date driver support in the market. Also the GPU IP licensing market like ARM holdings(Mali GPUs) , and Imagination Technologies (PowerVR mobile graphics processors), as well as Qualcomm, and others. It would be intresting to see a chart or table of GPU makers, and what versions of OpenGL their hardware supported, with a score on which company supports the OpenGL standard on mobile that is closest to the full desktop standard, and also includes the desktop variants with their support for the latest openGL standard. GPUs and their driver support rankings should be covered at least twice a year by the tech sites, and a ranking system would force the GPU companies to pay closer attention to their OpenGL, openCL, etc. driver support, as well as their proprietary graphics APIs. Twice yearly driver support rankings should be standard for the tech websites, and would be a great motivation for the GPU companies to keep current.
Device OEM makers’ graphics driver support is a whole other headache, as some Device OEMs have a poor record of driver update support for OEM customizied Graphics drivers.