If you haven't yet picked up Titanfall, the next multiplayer shooter from many of the creators of the Call of Duty series, today is your chance to do so at a discounted price. Amazon.com is pushing Titanfall with its daily Gold Box deal, which as the name suggests, is good for today only: Tuesday, April 22nd.
And hey, buying your Origin game key through the link above also happens to support PC Perspective!
If you are looking at building a low cost gaming PC to play games like Titanfall, we did write an article on that exact subject back in March.
not worth $36
And only reason
not worth $36
And only reason 36 is because DLC maps release soon
Game is broken vsync is broken dont work well with higher FPS still no proper SLI profile and they have bots in MP regardless of player count
Its also on sale on origin
Its also on sale on origin ATM for $47.99 and and can use $10 promo code to bring down to pretty much same price as amazon
Its also on sale on origin
Its also on sale on origin ATM for $47.99 and and can use $10 promo code to bring down to pretty much same price as amazon
$36 is the must buy price.
$36 is the must buy price. the game is worth that.
6 vs 6 is the max player count, without bots the game will lack the frenetic feel it has. 12 vs 12 and bots wouldn’t be needed, maybe.
vsync works just fine, titanfall is far from broken.
set vsync in the gforce control panel, not in game.
the SLI profile is Nvidia’s fault, not TF. don’t worry they will fix it and claim 60%+ FPS improvement with their new cpu overhead reduction. 🙂
vsync in nvida settings locks
vsync in nvida settings locks FPS at 60 even with higher hz panels have.
You have to use vsync in the game to lock at monitors refresh-rate and then you deal with stutter at high FPS because in-game vsync is broken
And whats funny is if you disable vsync in game you should have unlimited frame rate but no it locked at 60fps
6 vs 6 is way to low for PC game
titan fall still has lot issues that were in the beta even with patching
if you are a higher hz player dont waist your time with this
if unlocked FPS is 60, then
if unlocked FPS is 60, then set it in the control panel.
you paid full price and you’re mad. I get it. $36.99 is a must buy price.
6 vs 6 is fine, 12 vs 12 is better, max player count doesn’t make a pc game or BF4 wouldn’t be the wasteland it is now. titanfall is much more playable and frankly more fun with better everything other than graphics.
then i deal with lots of
then i deal with lots of screentearing no thanks
and BF4 is a waistband
and BF4 is a waistband because its a buggy POS with 10tic servers.
I hate saving money, screw
I hate saving money, screw you PCP!
wow, that is a very useful
wow, that is a very useful post, a lot of points that must be appreciated in a variety of ways.
may be a role model for other blogs.
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