We have been not so patiently waiting for this announcement from DICE and EA ever since last years E3 but we finally have a rough idea when we can expect Star Wars Battlefield … in about another year. While that is not the answer we were hoping for it does give hope to fans that we will indeed venture once more into a galaxy far far away! EA even suggested there could be as many as six new titles announced at the next E3 though we do not know how many will take place in the Star Wars universe; who knows they might even set one in the Legends Universe. Click on the links at Polygon for the full story.
STAR WARS: "LEGENDS" – Full Trailer from marc dominic rienzo on Vimeo.
"Publisher Electronic Arts plans to show more from Star Wars: Battlefront, the DICE-developed game set in the Star Wars universe, at this year's E3, EA CEO Andrew Wilson said during an investor call today."
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fuck dice and their broken
fuck dice and their broken shit