The X2 Saturn headset has multiple drivers in each earcup to try for real 5.1 surround sound as opposed to virtualizing it as many gaming headsets do. The front, rear and sub speakers each have different frequency responses which Legit Reviews were kind enough to list in their review. The omni-directional microphone can be muted via the inline controls and you can actually set the volume of each speaker separately. Overall the headset was judged to fall in the middle of the pack with good features and some design choices which could perhaps be improved. As well, if you love LEDs then the red lights on this headset might just interest you enough to pick up a pair.
"X2 has sent us a true 5.1 USB gaming headset to try out and it’s not relying on virtual surround sound to get the job done. Each earcup on the Saturn headset has multiple drivers which outputs different surround channels for better positional audio compared to two channel stereo headphones and headsets. Read on to see how it performs!"
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