[H]ard|OCP's testing was performed using an i7-3770K but for those looking at the G3258 or other lower priced processors their results will still hold true. As of this posting all three of these cards are within $15 of the $150 mark so even including taxes and shipping you can get your hands on one for less than $200. If you have a 1080p monitor and want the best bang for your buck, which card is the best choice? The results were not absolutely clear cut and your experience may vary depending on the overclock you can achieve but in the end one card stood out, see which one in their full review.
"Today we continue our quest at finding the best value for 1080p gaming at less than $200. We are looking at two video cards from ASUS, the R7 265 DirectCU II and the GTX 750 Ti DirectCU II OC. We will compare across a variety of 1080p gaming, and draw our conclusion on the best value between the R7 260X, R7 265, and GTX 750 Ti."
Here are some more Graphics Card articles from around the web:
- ASUS ROG Striker Platinum GTX 760 4GB @ [H]ard|OCP
- The NVIDIA TITAN Z Performance Review @ Hardware Canucks
- Asus GTX780 Ti ROG Matrix @ Kitguru
- Swiftech Komodo NV-LE GPU Block Review @HiTech Legion
- MSI R9 280 GAMING 3G @ X-bit Labs
- HIS Radeon R9 290 iPower IceQ X2 OC @ Benchmark Reviews
- Sapphire Radeon R9 280 Dual-X 3GB Graphics Card Review @ Techgage