For those thieves with no patience, at least while in game, the Thief 3 Gold mod has hit 1.0 and is ready for you to try. Gone are in map loading screens and in some cases the AI for the guards has been improved. This will be rolled up into the Sneaky Upgrade in the near future and the team will continue working on upgrades like briefing missions and changing the win conditions on a certain mission. Check out more at Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN and get the game on Steam.
Don't forget to set your alarms for Saturday, the Seventh Fragging Frogs VLAN will be opening and fun and prizes shall spill out like pond water.
"A mod removing the mid-level loading from Thief: Deadly Shadows is a good thing. We cooed a bit at the Thief 3 Gold mod before in May when the first beta version arrived–coo!–so now that Version 1.0 is here we’re duty-bound to coo longer, more intensely. CoooOOo! Along with smooshing mission segments into single load-free levels, Gold makes a few other tweaks, including adjusting wonky guard paths and positions."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- You can download and play Wing Commander 3 'On the house' @ HEXUS
- No Man's Sky game is also coming to the PC @ HEXUS
- Unreleased Duke Nukem discovered in Library of Congress @ Polygon