Update: September 12th @ 12:08pm EDT
A short video has just leaked online. The screenshots cover more, but obviously as still images. It's a good idea to check out both.
Computerbase.de (linked above in "yes") claims to have access to Windows 9 Technical Preview Build 9834. This should be close to the pre-release that is rumored to be public later this month (again, if rumors are accurate). It seems to be focused on desktop usage, as rumored, but still is uncomfortably close to Windows Store and its certification requirements.
Image Credit: Computerbase.de
There are some significant changes over previous versions, from virtual desktops to a nearly borderless window look and feel, seemingly be default (saving probably about 8-10 pixels per window in width and just as much eyesore). This makes me wonder how true borderless apps (RDIO, GitHub for Windows, and Blizzard's Battle.net Launcher are examples) will play with these new styles. One of the main glitches that I have with Windows 7 is when something kicks me out of Aero and most of the non-standard styled windows freak out in one way or another (Trillian and Firefox being the most obvious offenders).
Maybe, just maybe, we will be able to get our hands on it later this month or early next month.
So…What’s new in this new
So…What’s new in this new Windows? I’ve been using Mint on an old 2010 HP laptop of mine for over half a year now and I’ve never been happier. It’s fast, the UI is clear and simple and it does everything Windows can do. I don’t game anymore so I don’t care about whether it can run games or not.
If you made the switch to
If you made the switch to Linux, it's probably best to stay there. Lol.
“It’s fast, the UI is clear
“It’s fast, the UI is clear and simple and it does everything Windows can do. I don’t game anymore so I don’t care about whether it can run games or not.”
So it can’t really do everything Windows can do, but rather it simply does everything you need it to do. I wish more Linux users would not exaggerate so.
It’s not a matter of
It’s not a matter of exaggeration, if you need applications that run on windows XP, or 7, they can be run under a KVM, or other, VMs, and the XP can be Isolated from any direct, or indirect, Internet access. For professional graphics uses a Linux based VM hypervisor, can be used to host any number of guest OSs, and there is really no reason to go beyond windows 7. So even windows 7 can be isolated past its 2020 EOL, and still be utilized to run any software that is, purposefully, or non-purposefully, unable to be used on a Linux based OS. So this removes any argument, the professional Photoshop users have for not going to Linux! And do not tell me that the Xeon based systems, that the pros are using, even the home based pros are using, cannot handle running a VM hypervisor(KVM, Other) based system, pro graphics users need the registered ECC memory, that the server/workstation SKUs provide, as last minute errors that can not be corrected in time, can cost contracts, jobs, and big money. So, XP, and W7(after 2020), can be kept around for legacy purposes, but expect Linux to be able to run more and more of the so called “exclusive” to the M$/Apple ecosystems third party applications and there are VMs that render the windows only, as a necessary factor, untrue.
It is very easy to isolate a OS instance in a VM environment, and keep a pristine OS image, that is locked down, from any tampering, ready to be fired up to run the legacy code that is tied to the M$ ecosystem.
Too complicated, hurt your
Too complicated, hurt your synapse! or, Hurt the hand that feeds you, so you take potshots instead. Too short of a reply, with no intelligence indicated! Limited vocabulary, Gronk, no Know big words!
people use aero effects.
people use aero effects. that was the first thing i disable when moving to windows 7. I just wanted the efficiency of windows 7 and the look of xp (98 ,95).
a video of it being used was
a video of it being used was put on youtube,
And tell me that when you
And tell me that when you bring up the “start menu”, that the search area says “Search everywhere” does not mean that this will also be a Bing search. I do not want my file searches, or private searches on my system, to be subject to any analysis by Bing, and turning my system into an unwitting extension of the cloud, is a big fat NO. It looks like the Tile based foolishness is sticking around, and 9’s implementation looks like cell phone screen tacked on the right of a not so well implemented expandable file/file tree windows 7 type structure. The forced inclusion of any Metro/TIFKAM UI/Runtime/services, not as a completely optional download and instillation, is a deal killer!
Tying a desktop OS to any, phone UI/ecosystem is just a waste of time, and any attempt to force the matter on people will on produce the same results a 8.*!
You can turn off every last
You can turn off every last bit of cloud integration if you choose. There are also plenty of registry tricks, hosts file edits, and IP blockers that will give you extra piece of mind.
No the OS needs to come, out
No the OS needs to come, out of the box, configured to stay out of my private business, and that includes any non-necessary runtimes/assemblies/APIs/UI BLOAT! Keep that fondle slab, toy app, metrics gathering, ecosystem off of my desktop, and off of MY hardware!
^^^ +1
^^^ +1
I don’t even understand the
I don’t even understand the point of that spam…….