UPDATE: If you missed the live stream with myself and Jacob, you can catch the entire event in the video below. You won't want to miss out on seeing the first ever GTX 980 water block as well as announcements on new Torq mice!
EVGA has been a busy company recently. It has continued to innovate with new coolers for the recent GTX 980 and GTX 970 card releases, newer power supplies offer unique features and improved quality and power output, a new line of X99 chipset motherboards including a Micro ATX variant and hey, the company even released a line of high-performance mice this year! PC Perspective has covered basically all of these releases (and will continue to do so with pending GPU and MB reviews) but there is a lot that needs explaining.
To help out, an industry and community favorite will be stopping by from EVGA to the PC Perspective offices: Jacob Freeman. You might know him as @EVGA_JacobF on Twitter or have seen him on countless forums, but he will making an in-person appearance on Friday, September 26th on PC Perspective Live! We plan on discussing the brand new ACX 2.0 cooler on the Maxwell GPUs released last week, go over some of highlights of the new X99 motherboards and even touch on power supplies and the Torq mice line as well.
EVGA GTX 980/970, X99, PSU and Torq Live Stream featuring Jacob Freeman
3pm ET / 12pm PT – September 26th
PC Perspective Live! Page
EVGA has been a supporter of PC Perspective for a long time and we asked them to give back to our community during this live stream – and they have stepped up! Look at this prize list:
- 1 x EVGA GeForce GTX 980 SC
- 1 x EVGA GeForce GTX 970 SC ACX 2.0
- 1 x EVGA X99 Classified
- 1 x EVGA X99 FTW
- 1 x EVGA X99 SLI
- 1 x EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2 PSU
- 4 x Torq Mice
How can you participate and win these awesome pieces of hardware? Just be here at 3pm ET / 12pm PT on https://www.pcper.com/live and we'll be announcing winners as we go for those that tune in. It really couldn't be more simple!
If you have questions you want to ask Jacob about EVGA, or any of its line of products, please leave them in the comments section below and we'll start compiling a list to address on the live stream Friday. Who knows, we may even save some prizes for some of our favorite questions!
To make sure you don't miss our live stream events, be sure you sign up for our spam-free PC Perspective Live! Mailing List. We email that group a couple hours before each event gets started.
My largest beef with the 900
My largest beef with the 900 series, because otherwise it seems to be freakin AMAZING. However..
Why are they saying that 4K down-sampling is a special feature of them exclusively?I’ve been doing it on all nvidia GPU’s for a year or more now. They added custom resolutions a long time ago..
Go to nvidia control panel > resolutions > create custome res.
Take your screens native resolution and multiply it by either..
1.5, 2, 3 or 4.. So on and so on.. I was just doing it on a standard def 10 year old viewsync monitor, had it running at “2k” ruffly converted of course. And it looked AMAZING, hilariously so on such a crap monitor. Looks amazing, AMAZING on a true 1080 HDTV as well… Protip, if it doesn’t work just hit exit to return to your last res. Make sure to use the highest quality cable as possible, if it’s failing your trying to send more data through whatever cable you’re using than it can handle. Also it’s the same window where you can unlock your monitors refresh rates..
I’ve not been able to do 1.5 – 4K while tweaking refresh rate.
Maybe someone running a display-port setup can test this out..
See what type of cables you’re capable of doing what with.
In theory a DP cable should be able to do 4K and 75+ hz on a normal 1080 “60hz” screen…
SO I suppose what I should find out is..
What is special about the way the 900’s do it?
Does it have better performance/methods for intelligently downsampling the images that will improve the quality above how it would look just simply forcing a higher resolution? Notably..
But still, they should of just added this into Gforce Experience..
Like they did with streaming, shadowplay and auto-tuning..
And not pretended it’s an exclusive feature for 900 series.
Maybe they could of said “a better more advanced way of doing this”. But still stream-lined the process of doing it in the control panel in gforce experience for people…
Out of all the awesome things you’ve been doing Nvidia.
Please, please. Don’t be dinks like that.
And now that I think about
And now that I think about it, I use HD downsampling on my android’s PSP emulator as well.. Running Pixel Junk Monsters at 4x my devices 1080 resolution. So sexy.. Using the gyro to walk my little guy around.. Now today’s goal, get that working with my google cardboard.
my favorite product from EVGA
my favorite product from EVGA is the evga 980 blower design, its sexy 😉