So… uh… this might happen. Apparently, there was a Google Cache posting of a Rockstar Games support page which claimed several new features for Grand Theft Auto V on the PC.

A brand new first person mode for vehicles that shows the interior of the vehicle, including working speedometers, tachometers, dash lights, and more


A brand new first person mode while on foot

The most weird part is that it was listed in a part of the page, unfortunately deleted from Google Cache, that seemed to list PC-exclusive features. That is, not exclusive to the re-release for PS4, Xbox One, and PC — just exclusive to the PC. This is, of course, going by memory. I could have misread it the first time, before it was deleted.

Also, since no-one seems to have seen the page outside of Google Cache, it could have (somehow) been a faked injection. I can confirm that it existed on Google Cache from a Rockstar-owned URL, though. I've never heard of that happening before, but PC Gamer seems to have heard of it.

Hey, if that list was the reason for the delay, I'll take it, Rockstar. I don't approve of the other platforms getting an inferior experience without a technical reason, being a PC gamer for so long makes me empathetic, but maybe it will come to them. Often PC versions were cut down and delayed out of fear of development costs and piracy. Maybe, in this case, they took that time to make a better product. That would be novel.

Grand Theft Auto V for the PC is coming on January 27th, 2014 2015.