Psst. AMD fans. Don't tell "Team Green" but Linus decided to take four R9 290X graphics cards and configure them in Quad Crossfire formation. They did not seem to have too much difficulty setting it up, although they did have trouble with throttling and setting up Crossfire profiles. When they finally were able to test it, they got a 3D Mark Fire Strike Extreme score of 14979.
Psst. NVIDIA fans. Don't tell "Team Red" but Linus decided to take four GeForce Titan Black graphics cards and configure them in Quad SLI formation. He had a bit of a difficult time setting up the machine at first, requiring a reshuffle of the cards (how would reordering PCIe slots for identical cards do anything?) and a few driver crashes, but it worked. Eventually, they got a 3D Mark Fire Strike Extreme score of around 13,300 (give or take a couple hundred).
Hmmm! One wonders just how
Hmmm! One wonders just how cross-licensed the AMD and Nvidia hardware is(See Nvidia current Lawsuit blogs).
What about say Mantle, and CUDA, as well as other things?
Sure would love to see Blender cycles rendering working on AMD GPUs, via CUDA(I’m just dreaming here) and some Linus magic.
OMG the word wrap on this
OMG the word wrap on this posting system is doing weird things, and does not appear to be able to parse the trailing spaces off of words, maybe IE’s/Windows’/other’s base classes are not being properly overridden or implemented, as the PHP/whatever scripts are pushed out to the browser, Polymorphism can cause loads of fun if it is not implemented correctly, and that most assuredly includes M$’s OS/GUI/Other frameworks/assemblies, as well as the others'(PHP/java script, etc.).
Dual graphics still best
Dual graphics still best scaling for gaming, triple and quad gpu for strictly benchmarking that doesn’t scale well.
Titan blacks $4000 should be getting 2000 score in ideal situation.
With the Titan Blacks would
With the Titan Blacks would of love to see what Battlefield 4 fps where compared to the 290X’s.
It’s in the Titan Black video
It's in the Titan Black video at around 4:09. Avg/Max NVIDIA is 110/148. Avg/Max 290Xs is 76/76. That said, such a close avg and max FPS on the AMD makes me think something went wrong.
Yeah their drivers….as
Yeah their drivers….as usual (profiles w/e)