Triad Wars, set in the Sleeping Dogs universe, takes the setting into an online "open-world" game that is exclusively for the PC. United Front, the developer of both Sleeping Dogs and this title, is said to be partnering with Nexon to make it a free-to-play game, at least last we heard. Suddenly, PC-exclusivity makes a lot of sense. The game is currently in closed beta, which they are accepting applications for, but it is set to launch in 2015.
The most weird part, to me at least, is that Square Enix is still involved with the title and Nexon is mentioned nowhere (outside of the aforementioned statement by United Front's CEO's from last June). United Front is definitely the developer, okay, but how are the other two companies involved, specifically? Did Nexon get pushed out? How is Square involved, other than hosting the accounts? No clue. Perhaps this will be answered in tomorrow's Reddit AMA. We'll see.
Triad Wars is expected to be Free-to-Play and officially launch in 2015.
interesting, hopefully it
interesting, hopefully it turns out to be as good as the original
interesting, hopefully it
interesting, hopefully it turns out to be as good as the original
Well we can hope it isn’t
Well we can hope it isn’t going to be stutter dogs 2.0 or leave it up to community to fix the game.