This time it is The Tech Report who are taking a look at Win10 and what it brings to the table and what it takes away. As you can see from the screenshot below the Start Menu is mostly back, with a selection of large tiles already added to the side of the menu, though they are easily removable or can be replaced with non-Metro applications. Since the contextual search still appears at the bottom of the Start Menu the search button on the taskbar seems unnecessary. The multiple desktops work as promised, with ways to easily switch between your workspaces, windows have been visually trimmed along the outside and drop shadows are back. Check out the new command prompt and other changes in their three page article.
"TR's Cyril Kowaliski has spent some time with the Windows 10 Technical Preview, and he's jotted down his thoughts about each of the major new features and changes. His conclusion? This has the potential to be the best Windows release since Windows 7."
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- NikKTech & COUGAR Worldwide Giveaway
ya that search thing is weird
ya that search thing is weird since its right in the new start menu, so what I did was right click and unpinned it.
On windows 7 it searches for
On windows 7 it searches for files and programs, on windows 10 it searches everywhere, It’ll have to go back to just searching on the computer, and keeping that everywhere in check, or it will be 7 until 2020, and bye M$ afterwards.
The tiles and their runtime, services, APIs, need to go away, let the fondle slabbers, and screen smudgers download and install that crap, but do not foist it on me! Windows 7 is looking more and more like XP before, as the long term choice of the enterprise, and those that do not need or want the smelly diaper bag full of toys for tots TIFKAM remnants, or the M$ app store. M$ still is unable to get a clue, but they will have some time to pretend that they are listening, and we will have Windows 7 to hold out until 2020, if they do not get wise to the matter, and give us 7 with the under the hood improvements, that 10 should be, no tiles please.
oh look copy and paste guy is
oh look copy and paste guy is back.
stay on windows 7….forever, and STFU!
Is that you TIFKAM Sam!
Is that you TIFKAM Sam!
Oh he’s TIFKAM Sam,
From those Flashing Tiles,
and that metrics slurping,
and that Bing search snooping,
sold to everyone,
For more TIFKAM Spam,
From old TIFKAM Sam.
you don’t like it.. don’t use
you don’t like it.. don’t use it…..end of story.
please don’t work in tech, you’ll run into ENDLESS things you don’t like but are forced to learn and deal with… you can’t just run to your computer and bang on the keyboard when you get mad…you gota suck it up and fix it and work with whatever lands in your lap………. day after day….
An yet the enterprise users
An yet the enterprise users told M$, that they will be using 7, and M$ damn sure gives them the option of 7, sans the awful TIFKAM toy store abomination that is 8.*. So the enterprises told M$ to suck it up or loose their business, and M$ sucked it up with that interface that sucked, because the enterprise bucks are keeping M$ alive. Windows 7 is has not yet been fully amortized by the enterprises that have it, and no amount of M$ forcing will change that, we do see some still using XP, and paying M$ to do so, so expect to see such with windows 7. Enterprise money talks, and your M$ Terfer BS walks. 10 needs to get rid of any Tiles, or Apps ecosystem/services/runtimes, as the enterprise users will not be force fed the hot steaming pile of unnecessary for the desktop, and enterprise productivity, that is TIFKAM.
P.S. Enterprises do not suck
P.S. Enterprises do not suck it up, they will just move to another vendor if they are not accommodated fully, and consumers do not suck it up, they just don’t buy! I was purchasing a new laptop yearly, not any more, and TIFKAM and 8, is the major factor in my decision not to purchase. I have one XP laptop, and 4 windows 7 laptops, the XP laptop never goes online, and the win 7 laptops will last a good long time, with 7, dual booted 7, until 2020, when the windows partitions get wiped, and the Linux partition takes full control. 10 better get rid of that foisted crap, or XP will still have more market share, not to mention 7, or as we call it the New XP. No Bing search baked in, no search everywhere on the start menu, stay out of my business M$, no forced online logins, or plaid clothed salesmen’s smiles from ugly app store tiles, flashing on screen for M$’s green. Suck this up M$, the customer is always right!
I will have to try it myself
I will have to try it myself when it comes out- the desktop still looks more like Windows 3.1 than Windows 7 and the desktop background scheme would still be the first thing to go. Compared to Win 7, I think it looks like something from Fisher-Price. With the speed of systems these days and having the option of not signing up with the “M$A”, there really isn’t a lot of compelling reasons to drop a couple of C notes on this when the price is better elsewhere.
I gave the tech preview a
I gave the tech preview a try. Microsoft is still missing the mark. They haven’t listened to customers at all. Most of the Start Menu’s default icons and operation is designed to drive you to use the Modern Apps and Microsoft’s App Store.
While you can tame it, it shouldn’t be this way. The idea of using Apps for a desktop is just plain ridiculous. The browser is your window to the world, not stupid, boring, plain Apps that you have little to no control over on what they are tracking and reporting back to the App writer’s servers.
Most of what you see is purely cosmetic to make you think you’re back on the desktop. Under the hood, they are still pushing you to all their v1.0 Modern Apps, their App store, and their original tablet/phone vision of the future. Take Calculator as an example. Yeah, it’s the Modern version, the one designed with huge buttons for fingers. Even though you can run it in a window, you can’t resize it down to the size of the Win7 calculator. It’s huge and takes up over 50% of your desktop.
Win7 is still the best desktop OS. Win10 is still their attempt to force you into their tablet/phone UI.
Windows 10 is just looking
Windows 10 is just looking like a bunch of enormous wastes of space to provide very little information. Why use giant blocks with huge icons and video or animation when a simple line of text and a tiny icon next to it would suffice?
microsoft has ran out of
microsoft has ran out of ideas, that huge tilling thing is a waste of space..grow up ms