UEFI Features continued, Advanced Mode continued

The following screens detail settings on the Monitor, Boot, Tools, and Exit tabs in the Advanced Mode interface.

Monitor tab

Monitor tab, Qfan Tuning popup

Monitor tab, Qfan Tuning popup, in progress

Monitor tab, Qfan Tuning report popup

Monitor tab, Voltage Monitor page

Monitor tab, Temperature Monitor page

Monitor tab, Fan Speed Monitor page

Monitor tab, Fan Speed Control page

Monitor tab, Fan Speed Control page continued

Boot tab

Boot tab, Boot Priority and Override settings

Tools tab

Tools tab, ASUS EZ Flash 2 page

Tools tab, ROG Secure Erase page

Tools tab, Graphics Card Information page

Tools tab, ASUS Overclocking Profile page

Tools tab, ASUS Overclocking Profile page continued

Tools tab, ASUS Overclocking Profile page, Load / Save profile page

Tools tab, ASUS SPD Information page

Exit tab

Q-Fan Tuning popup

EZ Tuning Wizard popup, RAID tab

General Help popup

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