Oh they're coming. The dragons are on their way. They're gonna be amazing. They'll be here soon. Actually, Telltale's Game of Thrones will be here on December 2nd. The game will be the first of a six-episode season, spanning the TV show's timeline from the end of Season 3 up to some point just before the start of Season 5.
According to the ESRB, they will keep their robes on at all times.
Of course, the most interesting part about this release, to me, is its M rating – specifically, one that makes zero reference to sexuality or sexual content. While the ESRB allows modest sexual content, with Duke Nukem Forever being just about the most extreme, permitted example, you would probably get nowhere near what is allowed on HBO into retail distribution, any console, and probably not even Steam. This would limit the game to a PC release that is distributed on their company website, GoG, and maybe Amazon. The same issue was faced, in some regions, with South Park: The Stick of Truth, where a handful of scenes were censored out of certain versions of the game because they were too graphic (one of which being an alien abduction).
That tangent out of the way, Game of Thrones will launch on December 2nd.
Im friggin sick of game of
Im friggin sick of game of thromes… such an overrated show.
I bet this game will also be a massive circle jerk.
My Dinklage is Ready.
My Dinklage is Ready.
And lots of wieners, it’s all
And lots of wieners, it’s all wiener, wiener, wiener!
Didn’t like the wolf one
Didn’t like the wolf one never played walking dead, saw the new borderlands one….this one i’ll prolly play but hope i actually enjoy.
I like Game of Thrones and I
I like Game of Thrones and I was mildly interested in this game, until I realized it wasn’t really anything new. I don’t even like the art style and I don’t want it to just re-use the actual likenesses of the actors and actresses from the show.
Frankly, after Walking Dead (and the endless failures it had with the game not recovering a save file every time you launched it up again) and the same problem happening again with Walking Dead 2 and the jankiness of both games combined with that of Wolf Among us, and the really awful story of Walking Dead 2 (and the character they introduced to poke and prod Kenny until he was provoked into a dramatic frightened angry response and then the character said “see hah hah I told you he was bad!” and other awful writing in the second one)… I think I am done with the TellTale gimmick.