Nothing brings out the ire of a tech than a list which leaves out their favourite free application or even worse, recommends a lesser alternative.  This goes more than double for Linux users.  Nevertheless,  The Register was brave enough to compile 10 of their favourite Linux applications for your pleasure or derision.  ClamTK is the front end to ClamAV which has been a long standing antivirus program for Linux and Gufw Firewall is fairly self explanatory.  For programmers Geany is a very light weight multipurpose IDE, Shutter does the trick as a screen capture program while Unity Tweak Tool is great for those who want to have complete control over their UI.  LibreOffice does indeed appear on this list and is also available for Windows users but SpringSeed is Linux only and will make Evernote users very jealous.  The full list of apps can be seen here, those wanting an editor battle royale may be dissapointed though.

"Much to the dismay of many a sysadmin, Linux is no longer purely the domain of Captain Command-Line and his trusty side-kick Admiral APT. For those looking to make the most of their new-fangled graphics-capable hardware, here’s a selection of freeware to start with, in our case as installed on Ubuntu 14.04."

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