When THQ liquidated their assets, many franchises found new, welcoming parents. One notable purchase was the Homeworld franchise, a space-based real-time strategy that was popular in the late 90's and early 2000's, by Gearbox Software. The deal was valued at $1.35 million USD. They did not sit on the asset either. Within three months, the game developer announced re-releases of Homeworld and Homeworld 2 along with HD remakes, which is now called Homeworld Remastered Collection.
While it missed its original 2014 launch estimate, Gearbox has set a new, more specific date of February 25th. The collection will still contain the two originals, the two remasters, and a Steam beta for the unified multiplayer mode.
Like many classic titles, I missed the original release of Homeworld (minus a few hours at a friend's house — I was an early teenager at the time). Maybe I will get enough time to give this a chance?
The best game series of all
The best game series of all time.
This, halflife, doom and the
This, halflife, doom and the PRE gta4 gta`s. Thats all the games that ill ever need.