The first next-gen, released graphics API was Mantle, which launched a little while after Battlefield 4, but the SDK is still invite-only. The DirectX 12 API quietly launched with the recent Windows 10 Technical Preview, but no drivers, SDK, or software (that we know about) are available to the public yet. The Khronos Group has announced their project, and that's about it currently.
According to Develop Magazine, the GDC event listing, and participants, the next OpenGL (currently called “glNext initiative”) will be unveiled at GDC 2015. The talk will be presented by Valve, but it will also include Epic Games, who was closely involved in DirectX 12 with Unreal Engine, Oxide Games and EA/DICE, who were early partners with AMD on Mantle, and Unity, who recently announced support for DirectX 12 when it launches with Windows 10. Basically, this GDC talk includes almost every software developer that came out in early support of either DirectX 12 or Mantle, plus Valve. Off the top of my head, I can only think of FutureMark as unlisted. On the other hand, while they will obviously have driver support from at least one graphics vendor, none are listed. Will we see NVIDIA? Intel? AMD? All of the above? We don't know.
When I last discussed the next OpenGL initiative, it was attempting to parse the naming survey to figure out bits of the technology itself. As it turns out, the talk claims to go deep into the API, with demos, examples, and “real-world applications running on glNext drivers and hardware”. If this information makes it out (and some talks remain private unfortunately although this one looks public) then we should know more about it than what we know about any competing API today. Personally, I am hoping that they spent a lot of effort on the GPGPU side of things, sort-of building graphics atop it rather than having them be two separate entities. This would be especially good if it could be sandboxed for web applications.
This could get interesting.
Wasn’t Mantle supposed to be
Wasn’t Mantle supposed to be opened to everyone by the end of last year? What happened with that? I’m kinda hoping that Mantle and GL-Next merge together into the new open standard.
Well, Not many people picked
Well, Not many people picked up and used Mantle. GLNext or OpenGL is usually built right into damn near every graphics card out there. It is a universal Graphics API. I do hope that Mantle blends into GLNext and gives DX12 and WinBlows a good thrashing. Looking at the partners of the Khronos Group, it appears there are more supporting GLNext and OpenGL than DirectX.
I have already seen the Unreal Engine 4 demos benchmarked under Linux on my rig using OpenGL 4.4 and they look so freaking sexy!
Yeah right. 20 years the same
Yeah right. 20 years the same story. Every new version of Linux is the going to be the one that displaces windows on the desktop… until it doesn’t. Then the next one will… Every new API that comes out will displace DirectX, until it doesn’t… Then the next one will. Sure.
Well M$ sure is making things
Well M$ sure is making things hard on the users of the desktop, baking that TIFKAM runtime, snooping, and Bing into the OS, how’s that 8.1 doing, M$ will have to compete against Steam OS, as well as windows 7, and 7 users will be happy with the new OpenGL, and Mantle, allowing them to stay with 7 until 2020, and not be forced into M$’s post windows 7 crap, 8.1, and even 10 will not be on my computers, and who knows what win 11 will bring. I’m getting my investment in 7 spread out until 2020, and then I’ll see from there, 7 is the new XP!
that’s awesome for the next 2
that’s awesome for the next 2 opengl games that will come over the enxt 15 years !
There are more than two
There are more than two companies involved, and I bet those companies get more say on what glNext will be like than DirectX 12. + OpenGL is prevailent on mobile. Very very big incentives to completely ditch DirectX.
AMD gave them access to Mantle and basically said take whatever you want.
Great to see Khronos pushing
Great to see Khronos pushing OpenGL (glNext) for gaming. I hope it will be major game graphics API in ten years or so. It will take time since the PC gaming industry has been leaning towards Windows/D3D so long time; tools, programmer skill set, etc.