If you ever feel ignored when offering technical advice to executives or anyone ranking above you in your business then this statistic about Server 2003 that The Register quotes will come as no surprise, "47 percent of 1,000 Fortune 500 IT executives had no idea that end-of-life was coming". Of course this does not signify that they were never told nor that Microsoft obfuscated the EoL date, it shows that they completely ignored the professionals that work for them and warned them. Now they will have a choice, they can run servers that no longer receive security updates nor support from Microsoft or they can pay $600 per server for a year of extended support, with that amount likely increasing every year. It does not make business sense to migrate to every new server or client platform that is released but postponing that upgrade for over a decade in the assumption that your supplier will never cut you out is bordering on idiocy. Just to add to your frustration, none of those supposed IT executives are likely to be fired as a direct result of this poor planning and on the off chance one does leave; the severance they pick up will likely be worth more money than you have made since the release of Server 2003.
"MICROSOFT HAS PUT a price on extended support for servers running Windows Server 2003 after it reaches end-of-life this summer."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Your HDDs were RIDDLED with NSA SPYWARE for YEARS @ The Register
- Suse launches Enterprise Storage as standalone software-defined product @ The Inquirer
- Samsung to adopt 20nm process for over 50% of its DRAM output in 2015, say sources @ DigiTimes
- Mozilla's Flash-killer 'Shumway' appears in Firefox nightlies @ The Register
- Flaw In Netgear Wi-Fi Routers Exposes Admin Password, WLAN Details @ Slashdot
Upgrade and live happily ever
Upgrade and live happily ever after ….
Oh, wait ….
Standard disgraceful behavior
Standard disgraceful behavior on display from those executives. No asleep at the wheel, golfing at the wheel.
I have an inkling that this
I have an inkling that this is an open letter from Mr. Hellstrom to someone in particular whom will never read this article or lissen to ANYTHING said by the experts in IT who were hired to keep this shit from happening but dont have the power or voice to do anything?
This is probably why useless
This is probably why useless big box stores get hacked all the time, because they use this outdated crap or Windows XP!