WZor, a group in Russia that somehow acquires many Windows leaks, has just published screenshots of Windows 10 Build 10022 and Windows Server Build 9926. As far as we can tell, not much has changed. We see neither an upgraded Cortana nor a look at the Spartan browser. The build is not labeled “Microsoft Confidential” though, which makes people believe that it is (or was) intended for public release — maybe as early as this week.
Image Credit: WZor Twitter
Honestly, I do not see anything different from the provided screenshots apart from the incremented version number. It is possible that this build addresses back-end issues, leaving the major new features for BUILD in late April. Leaked notes (also by WZor) for build 10014, called an “Early Partner Drop”, suggest that version was designed for hardware and software vendors. Perhaps the upcoming preview build is designed to give a platform for third-parties to develop updates ahead of Microsoft releasing the next (or second-next) big build?
Either way, it seems like we will get it very soon.
interesting, perhaps now we
interesting, perhaps now we will get dx12 drivers that aren’t buggy as shit, looking at you 349.65
Desktop still looks like
Desktop still looks like shit. I guess we’re into the mode of paying more for reduced expectations.
My read on it: This sucks you into an OS and a system you can’t get away from. MS has been into perpetuating its own market since day one and this OS is going to perpetuate the game of making you pay to upgrade everything periodically.
What’s Next? Make you pay monthly to use it and/or its services. They pulled that with the XBox release and wound up with mine back in the returns pile.
You may have got DX12- but you’ve lost something more.
“This sucks you into an OS
“This sucks you into an OS and a system you can’t get away from.”
People were up in arms about the Windows Store when Windows 8 was release, prophesying doom and collapse for anyone not selling through it.
It was FUD then, it remains FUD now.
Never went to Windows 8 and
Never went to Windows 8 and I’m also still alive. A lot of industry still uses XP for productivity and testing- yet CEOs are ridiculed for not dancing to the MS tune. But it works and they don’t have to pay more for it … yet.
The fact that they will abandon you and cut you off for buying an OS that still works is something not a lot of people should lose sleep over. The only nuisance with XP anymore is IT periodically posting ugly splash screens saying updgrade to Windows whatever or else. They’ll do the same thing to Windows 7 soon enough.
Trust me, when it comes to $$$, if why worry about FUD when you can manufacture your own.
Enterprises work on budgets,
Enterprises work on budgets, and amortizations, costs must be spread out over 5, or longer year periods! The costs of certifying the enterprise’s mission critical software to work with a new OS is very high, and things like tacking on a dysfunctional UI, along with a consumer app store ecosystem are not on any enterprise’s RADAR.
These computers are for work, and not consumer consumption, there are enterprises still running XP locked up inside a VM and not directly connected to the internet, nothing touches the XP OS image, it is spun up fresh, and unadulterated from the enterprise’s certified OS image every time, from a read only restricted file share. There are many enterprises that do not have the yearly IT funding to support any rapid changes. For enterprises windows 7, especially for those enterprises that have just switched to windows 7, they will keep 7, after 2020, and pay for the security updates, for one simple reason stated, the costs are in the millions, and billions in recertifying the enterprise’s mission critical software, the software that runs the business costs more than the OS, and more than the hardware that runs the OS that the enables said software.
No enterprise has the funds available for IT, to play favorite to M$ whims, and many enterprises, government entities, cities, have there servers running a enterprise Linux variant, and run a good part of their software in a VM/container environment with OS images/containers spun up and locked down to the needs of specific departments. The OS costs are but a small fraction, in addition to retraining(employees are on the clock while training) so just you go figure fanbois from the basement, its not an OS popularity contest, its business, its budgets, and bean counters!
CEOs will take the ridicule, from M$’s irrational fan base, and they will be looking seriously at the enterprise Linux distros, and having the accountants and actuarial employees, and consultants, do a cost/benefit analysis, so let M$’s market, and sales staff, and irrational fan base do their best. CEOs answer to the BOD, and the stock holders, and all publicly traded companies have bean counters, that have to by law report to the government agencies, and the stock holders! IT budgets will be maximized, and they will conform to industry costs/standards, and government security regulations, not so inexpensive to certify for, and oh the SUE Balls when things go bad.
“The only nuisance with XP
“The only nuisance with XP anymore is IT periodically posting ugly splash screens saying updgrade to Windows whatever or else”
Or maybe the massive security holes that will remain unfixed in a 13-year-old OS? Acting as nice malware incubators for everyone else.
Working in an enterprise environment (7000+ machine campus, install base worldwide easily in the 100k+ range), Windows 7 is the norm. Windows 8 is in testing, with the decision not yet made on whether to roll it out or jump to 10. Keeping XP around (without some critical software issue like in embedded machine controllers) is just being penny-wise-pound-foolish.
Personally, if you have an IT
Personally, if you have an IT that knows wtf they are doing, they should be patching security holes BEFORE they get to your client systems. It’s not that hard. You can VLAN your infrastructure for a hell of a lot less than a sweeping upgrade of systems with proprietary IO.
Shit- I still see DOS and NT systems running- and they are more secure than Windows 8 because nobody wastes their time targeting them.
Nah, MS is manufacturing their own trouble by opening holes for you with all of this open marketing and people are enough to pay for it. And as long as you do, it won’t stop and it will get worse. Soon they’ll have government agencies like the FCC regulating … at your expense and someone else’s profit.
When a new job comes along with start-up capital or enough justification for an upgrade, THEN you go there. Only some of us are using Linux instead.
P.S. the enterprise XP
P.S. the enterprise XP versions are getting the security updates, via the enterprise licensing agreements, as are the XP POS devices. And did you not read the XP locked down in a VM, internet restricted environment, using an approved/certified un-modifiable enterprise OS Image.
And what of your stated “Working in an enterprise environment (7000+ machine campus, install base worldwide easily in the 100k+ range)”, personal experience, is that working in IT experience, or other experience? The 8 evaluation, has been supplanted by a 10 evaluation, and that 10 evaluation will be supplanted by an 11/360/whatever evaluation closer to windows 7’s EOL date. Most certainly windows 7 is the norm, on PCs/Laptops, there may be some enterprise SUSE/RHEL/Others running on a few of those world wide Laptop/PC, especially in the EU countries. and its not penny wise, its enterprise megabucks for mission critical certification of application software to work with a new OS, what part of the enterprise do you work in, is it in IT or marketing?
I find it amasing how much
I find it amasing how much people complain about the desktops of new OS’s, 8 I can understand with the whole “Metro” thing, but since 3.1 went to 95 Ive heard over and over again “I just dont like the new desktop, I wont change because I need the taskbar to auto-hide, I hate all the new icons, It’s too flashy, ect ect ect”
It is possible to alter your desktop you know, right? Use different themes, change icons, use the thousands of hacks out there to customise it exactly the way you want.
If it’s stable, I’ll be upgrading every device I have A FEW WEEKS AFTER LAUNCH, let em do a few updates and all. The only reason everything I’ve got now is on Win 7 is because I bought a 6 pack of keys on sale a few years ago so why waste’em.
I get that. But after XP and
I get that. But after XP and Windows 7 Aero defaults, which I liked far better than anything previously, I wonder what the default will be for this one. I really don’t like the blocky, linear, pastel designs MS has pushed since Office 2010 and I don’t want to waste time on something that would have been better left alone because it looks like crap when it’s trying to sell better.
Personally, I like my smart phone better.
they gota bitch about
they gota bitch about something right?
but for some reason if you tossed linux at these people they’d have nooooo problem doing nonstop hacks to make it like they want it.
its windows…its MS…they still think its cool to bitch about it.
see anyone crying about the google play store? how about apple itunes b/s…*crickets*
Well really, one can avoid
Well really, one can avoid Apple’s and Google’s ecosystems, but when M$ is pushing its closed ecosystem dreams on the third party OEM PC/Laptop ecosystem, a system full of folks who for the most part want to avoid closed ecosystems, and the crApp stores built around them, well that’s another matter. M$ needs to realize the a good chunk of its user base does not necessarily like M$, but puts up with M$’s various F-ups, but trying to foist a closed ecosystem/metrics gathering/crApp store ecosystem on these users, will not work out so well for the M$ monopoly.
Windows 7 will remain popular, out of no great love for M$, but for its easy to use and familiar UI, and lack of the trappings of Apple/other ecosystems, it looks like 7, and after 7’s EOL, many will switch to Steam OS for gaming, or other Linux distros, and Linux based VMs, with which to run a locked down version of windows 7 in, and continue to run the legacy games/applications that may need windows 7 to run the legacy code. The mobile ecosystem does not have such a legacy dependency, and their are plenty of distros out there to avoid the highest walls of any of the walled gardens out there, I’m looking forward to full Linux distro based tablets, my money will stay in the wallet until there is some tablets with full Linux distros in the marketplace.
so they are adding their own
so they are adding their own store. Big deal?
I have steam..do i have to purchase all of my apps from steam? no.
what does it matter..if you don’t like it, DON’T USE IT!!!
Steam is an optional
Steam is an optional client/service, it’s cross platform and not baked into the windows OS, you install Steam under your own volition. The OS maker M$ is baking its app store, runtime, services into the OS, an OS that is on the majority of PC/Laptop systems, the user has no choice in the matter! You don’t want the Steam Client or any of its offered services, you do not have to download it, and install Steam/Steam Client or subscribe to its services.
I do not wish to have a M$ OS with an App store, or its UI, application ecosystem, or services installed on my PC/Laptop, I’ll remain a windows 7 user and switch to a Linux distro, the windows 7 OS can be moved to and run under a Linux based VM, Isolated from any direct internet/other outside communication, and still serve my legacy needs long after that 2020 EOL date. I want the bare minimum of OS functionality, and resource using services, and do not need any more from the third party OEMs that I purchase my PC/Laptop hardware from.
This is a M$ attempt at forcing it’s broad monopolistic horizontal OS influence, into a monopolistic vertical integration/influence upon the independent third party laptop/PC OEM market, and turning the Independent laptop/PC makers into de facto M$ divisions, with which to derive more profits from the enduser/consumer. I did not buy a M$ branded or made product, I should not be forced into a M$ controlled ecosystem, just to get an OS to run MY computer. The forcing of the Independent third party OEM market place into M$’s increasingly closed ecosystem needs to be visited by the appropriate antitrust agencies, and courts system. OS choice needs to be required, for all PC/laptop/other mobile users, including the choice to get a device without an OS, the OEMs should be required to offer at least one other OS choice and the appropriate drivers for that OS.
Your specious reasoning does not hold in this matter, and the “You don’t Like the OS Don’t use it” argument if not an option for many, the M$ OS that is installed on the hardware, and license paid for with the purchase of the hardware, does not give the user much choice in the matter, the money has already changed hands. The EU, has much better regulations in this matter, the US is a little behind in protecting PC/Laptop consumers.
i meant…if you don’t like
i meant…if you don’t like the store IGNORE IT. Also like other windows features of the past.. you have an option to DISABLE IT!!!!!!!!!
but no, that wouldn’t fuel your nightmares good enough.
Make it an Optional download
Make it an Optional download and install, no Bingdows tiles/TIFKAM/crApp store/snooping from the get-go, let the crApp store fondle slab screen smudgers waddle in their own muck filled slop, they can enjoy their employment where the phrase most often uttered is: Would you like Fries with that. I do not want M$ squatting on my PC’s/Laptop’s real-estate, an option to disable and flush the infection does not exist, better to never allow entry in the first place. Talk about a super-fish, with the OS getting everything before the first call to the encryption API is made, no thank you, you can keep your cloud, and keep your sticky fingers, and beady eyes out of my private affairs. It’s the Man before the Man in the middle that worries me most!
you are the screaming and
you are the screaming and bitching minority that is just going to go eat a face full of linux but NEVER EVER STFU about windows.
bitch and cry online…boo hooooooooooooooooooo.
God damn that’s ugly.
God damn that’s ugly.
I know, right?
I know, right?
Microsoft seems to have toss any sense of good design out the window in favor of supporting 2004 hardware. It’s an absolute shame. Vista looked fantastic.
yea remember that? vista
yea remember that? vista needed 2GB of ram and proper hardware resources.
EVERYONE FREAKED OUT and got up in arms on how crappy windows vista ran on their P3 with 512mb of ram. OMG VISTA IS SO SLOW AND IT SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t. So after that all versions of windows have to run on a 486 so people won’t cry all over their keyboards.
Most release notes for W10TP
Most release notes for W10TP is on this website, no need for speculation. http://changewindows.studio384.be/
windows 10 9926 SUCKS big
windows 10 9926 SUCKS big time, always issue with video, programs, and NOT able to restart properly my pc! where are those good programmers at micro$oft?