I am not quite sure if the Game Developers Conference led to this video being released, or if it was just a coincidence. This is the sole work of Alexander Dracott, a visual effects, lighting, and shader artist who has been employed at Sucker Punch and Sony Online Entertainment. He works for a studio in Bellevue, Washington, USA doing VR demos, which sounds like Valve but is probably someone else entirely.
Unreal 4 Lighting Study: Forest Day from Alexander Dracott on Vimeo.
Basically, it is a forest scene that is rendered in Unreal Engine 4. It is convincing, despite a little macroblocking from Vimeo compression (or its source). Even the falling leaves cast appropriate shadows. Granted, he never mentions his computer's specifications, which could make a difference in how many features he could get away with enabling. Either way, the art would even be amazing in a non-realtime scene, let alone Unreal Engine 4.
A couple of days later, he posted pictures of the same scene in an autumn time frame (same link). I guess that I should keep coming back to this thread, just in case it gets a Winter update or something. Awesome work!
I feel like that tree trunk’s
I feel like that tree trunk’s shadow is too black. Feels like they need better indirect lighting for it to impress me.
The leaves and the grass
The leaves and the grass should move the same like coordinated. The air comes from one direction. What I see are drunk plants moving in various directions.
To me, it’s just the
To me, it’s just the opposite.
I’m sure the fluid flow through a wooded area creates all sorts of vortices that then move and act on individual plants, and that doesn’t seem to be in effect at all here, at least not on the falling leaves.
Beyond that, the levels of wind on the trees, the leaves, and the grass, while consistent within each group, don’t seem consistent for the scene as a whole.
Beautiful, but off.
Why can’t they release the
Why can’t they release the executable demo? Ahhhhhhhhh…I so want to run this in real time on my computer….
As I’ve already said
As I’ve already said previously: Unreal Engine 4 in a nutshell so far – extremely beautiful but VERY unrealistic at the same time…let’s wait for first “realistic” games to come out which would utilize this engine FULLY. So far, I’m all for latest FrostBite (Star Citizen), RED (Geralt), and RAD (Order 1886), rather than this.
A little fix there:
Not the
A little fix there:
Not the latest “FrostBite”, but the “CryEngine”, of course. Sorry, my bad.
In 2006,when I saw Crysis
In 2006,when I saw Crysis tech demo I was shocked.9 years later,only this?
That sure is a lot of leaves
That sure is a lot of leaves falling. Too bad they just disappear when hitting the ground. Still looks good to me regardless.
I have an idea. How about you
I have an idea. How about you do one. Critique it, then go ahead and you do a forest in UE4 that’s better than this. Take the time to create the assets, the shaders, the full feature set you need to build realistic density etc, and then light it in the engine. Don’t forget to do all the blueprint stuff, the backend support, the actual art content as well (which has to be solid).
Do all of that stuff, and post it up for critique. Put your name on it, and stake your reputation on your actual work, like this guy has done.
Or just bitch about something you have absolutely zero understanding of. Make sure you’re back to your job delivering pizzas on time though, that rent for your shitty apartment you share with your ex-convict friends aint gonna pay itself.
Looks beautiful. It would be
Looks beautiful. It would be perfect if it has destructible environment which I assume it does.