If you are looking for a game to play, Totem Arts has released their fourth public beta for Renegade X. You have probably heard of the game by now but, if not, it is a third-person shooter that is in the style of Command & Conquer: Renegade. Each team has a base that provides weapons, vehicles, and upgrades in exchange for credits. Players then use this superiority to destroy each others bases (and each other directly of course).
The game is powered by Unreal Engine 3 through the UDK program. From what I can tell, they are using the February 2014 build, which is a little over a year old but relatively up-to-date technologically. Epic Games added most DirectX 11 functionality back in the March 2011 UDK beta release. It looks quite good too.
And it's free (not free-to-play). Check it out.
“And it’s free (not
“And it’s free (not free-to-play).” well one kind of cancels out the other, it sound like M$’s windows 10 version of free. Sure will let you have it but it’s going to have to produce revenues somehow! That somehow is the big question, and some form if ad based, Personal Metrics gathering/selling, or subscription model will figure into that “somehow”. Nothing is really free!
It was made by hobbyists.
It was made by hobbyists. It's actually free.
When I say "not free-to-play" I mean that it doesn't have any microtransaction system or anything like that. You download the game for free, you install it, you play it. No transaction at any point. The website doesn't even have ads (unless you count the third-party wiki).
Back in the day, it was not
Back in the day, it was not rare to see truly free games, mods, and other content. I suppose this generation, raised on microtransactions, DLC, and other garbage, may have trouble understanding that.
It’s a fan game, done by people in their spare time (although the quality may make that hard to believe). They do not make any money off of this (EA probably wouldn’t let them anyway, as this certainly infringes on EA’s copyrights).
The C&C community has always been producing incredible content like this. I don’t think any other RTS series can compare. Nice to see that it’s still happening and thank you, Scott, for bringing attention to this gem.
Hah, ninja’d by Scott
Hah, ninja’d by Scott
I got a feeling about “Quake
I got a feeling about “Quake Wars” by Splash Damage. And that was a good feeling game.
Hah. I remember one round (in
Hah. I remember one round (in the demo) where I airstriked the entire enemy team as they were all defending a ramp. Literally the entire enemy team… on a well-populated server. ET:QW was definitely fun. Was going to buy it, but it fell off in popularity quick.