WinBeta found a new screenshot of an internal Windows 10 build. They originated from the same group, Wzor, that leaked almost every other image from unreleased Windows 10 builds. The only real feature that is shown is a translucent start menu. To make the transition a little less jarring, you are able to partially see the content behind it.
Image Credit: WinBeta and Wzor.
This feature should be especially useful for the full-screen start menu, so that it looks like an overlay, rather than: “Your computer is doing something totally different now!” You can still see, if only a little bit, what you were doing. It should feel a lot more like the Steam Overlay rather than a full context switch.
The build is also not labeled Microsoft Confidential, so it might be on the branch that is designed for public release. We are due for a new build, so it should only be a matter of days before consumer previewers, and apparently enterprise ones too, get pushed forward… … after about five-or-so reboots.
Love it , can’t wait
Love it , can’t wait
It looks pretty good
It looks pretty good
What is the difficult in
What is the difficult in making the transparency level an option of personalization ??? Seriously
In 2020 when the current
In 2020 when the current enterprise build of windows 7 goes EOL, some may switch to whatever the current windows version becomes/is available, but only around 2020. Those tiles, and consumer app store ecosystem is still baked into the 10 build, so enterprises will wait, they will wait anyways, as in enterprises it’s the bean counters in charge of the IP budgets that will make the call, and the Bean Counters will be trying to get every last bit of the enterprise’s investment in windows 7 amortized over the longest possible period, even if that means getting extended support for 7, like some have done for XP. Hell XP went up in share recently, and those POS builds are still getting the security updates. For sure 7 has taken over as the enterprises’ build of choice(for PC, laptops), and for those enterprises that have just made the expensive switch to 7, their bean counters will probably be the ones getting the extended support on 7 after 2020. Costs must be spread out and amortized over the longest possible period, and if windows 7 is currently providing the enterprise the ability to run its mission critical software, why spend any extra until it is absolutely necessary.
Edit: IP budgets
To: IT
Edit: IP budgets
To: IT budgets
As a Windows 7 admirer, if, I
As a Windows 7 admirer, if, I eventually, transfer to Windows 10 I
hope I will lose none of my personal data; such as email addresses ?
Your email addresses have
Your email addresses have nothing to do with Windows, what are you talking about?!?!
The built in snooping from
The built in snooping from win 10, to much Bing-ing around with that desktop/file search getting Bing-ed about the interwebs, for M$’s metrics gathering profits. M$ wants that metrics gathering baked into the OS, and the OS sees everything before its hits the encryption APIs. It’s not just the superFISHial changes to the OS, its the further closing of the ecosystem! Thank goodness for STEAM OS, and a another choice, before windows goes 365, and all the days are spent with 30% of the top! Email or otherwise, and the foisting of the cloud, and other things that will keep many on 7, even after 2020. The Vulkan graphics API/VM will also allow many to stay on 7 for legacy stuff, and other reasons, while running Steam OS in dual boot. After 2020 windows 7 can be locked down in a VM(Linux based) and run legacy code in a fully protected environment.
Can I uninstall the app store
Can I uninstall the app store and get a local admin account without any jimmy rigging?
local accounts are easy on
local accounts are easy on all of them.. even 8.
when you go thru the install if it asks you for a MS account, just skip it. it even says “this is not required” bam next step local account… done.
no app store? done, add remove programs / windows features, just disable it.
now if these dipsh*ts that write page long MS bashing comments would use those simple totally not complicated at all instructions……….but of course, they love to troll.
Just say that to the
Just say that to the enterprises that are turning their noses up at any of M$’s new OS offerings, per chance do you work for the type of public relations entity that functions as an apologist for companies such as Comcast, or Standard Oil in the past. M$ gets the “$” in it name, and the monopoly status, by controlling 89, or so, percent of the PC/Laptop OS market, and in a free society bashing monopolies is a good thing, freedom of speech and all!
Windows features that phone home to the mother-ship, or APIs not revealed etc., including all that BING/other baking into the OS needs to stop. I’m not buying an Apple style closed ecosystem on my Third Party OEM laptop/PC hardware, and I am not buying any M$ exclusively branded hardware, M$ is a supplier of the OS part to the Third Party laptop/PC OEMs, and should not attempt to turn Third Party OEMs into de facto M$ divisions. This new OS monetization attempt by M$ smacks of a monopoly interest trying to force a vertical market influence(Monopolistically, and in violation of antitrust) by M$ leveraging its horizontal market monopoly control over the Third Party OEM PC/laptop OS market. Steam OS can not arrive soon enough, and hopefully it can gain the market share to allow it to prosper and grow, and allow the entire gaming market, and the consumer to have an alternative to that extra 30% off of the top of the video game action, on PCs and laptops. We all know why Valve chose to develop Steam OS, the same reason many enterprises switched to using enterprise Linux Distros on their server hardware.
This OS vendor lockin is going to stop, there is nothing inherently wrong with the OS becoming another open infrastructure developed/supported by all the market interests involved, no one accuses the PCI standards of being socialistic, or the Khronos group’s Graphics APIs likewise. So the PC/laptop, and gaming market adopts and funds the programmers, and some programmers volunteer their time free of charge, to develop an Industry standard OS kernel/non kernel system software distros, and require that the source code be open, and that any use of the developed code base under the GPL license must not be used and closed off/hidden from the other contributors.
So what is wrong with a standard OS open source industry Kernel, and the various OS distros built on top of that Kernel. For sure computing in general has outgrown the need for the proprietary OS domination, just like the super highway system was designed and built to facilitate commerce, and defense over the TOLL roads/turnpikes of past. The US military has its own Linux distro, it does not rely on only proprietary closed OSs in its battle/security gear. M$’s fumbling with the OS’s UI for no good reason, but the need to further monetize/milk for profit by baking an app store UI/API/ecosystem, snooping, into the OS is not going to go over well with many enterprise/home users of third party OEM PC/laptop hardware.
This new OS monetization
This new OS monetization attempt by M$ smacks of a monopoly interest
it smacks of them watching apple and google do it while making money hand over fist….meanwhile moving in on its customers and $$ base…. its called business, they can’t sit around and do nothing…the world and tech is changing.
go use linux, its free, it doesn’t have to make business choices…there is your free cake, go eat it…….. but i know it still won’t cause you to stop trolling windows threads like its your job.
It’s called a violation of
It’s called a violation of antitrust when an interest(M$) tries to use its overly broad horizontal market share(Monopoly) to force a vertical market control/monetization scheme over the Independent third party OEM Laptop/PC market. Apple does not force its closed ecosystem on any third party laptop/PC OEM market, Apple restricts its OS/closed ecosystem to its branded and exclusively sold via Apple/Apple channel partners Apple branded hardware. Google is using an open source VM/Runtime(Android) OS that is available to any maker with or without Google’s application ecosystem channel. Android runs atop the Linux Kernel, and I’m not such a big fan of Google’s stifling of the Full Linux distro based Tablet/netbook market, but still there are some full Linux based devices in the market, and hopefully the Ubuntu tablets will make it to the US market.
Your are in great need of some history lessons, so see the US verses the Standard oil Trust, and the US verses Bell Telephone, as well as the Antitrust litigation, and legislation/regulations with regards to Antitrust.
M$’s control of The PC/Laptop OS market is what is in question, specifically M$’s undue influence over the Independent third party OEM laptop/PC market. Your specious reasoning, and tautologies of “It’s Business” do not hold up when things are taken in a historical/legal perspective.
Why oh why won’t microsoft
Why oh why won’t microsoft just stick the Win7 UI on Win10? Toss in an App Store and let people use it or ignore it. Win10 would fly off the shelves.
why leave the win 2000
why leave the win 2000 interface? remember the bitching after XP? now those same people hold XP as gold.
win 10 will fly off the shelves no matter what the online cry babies say… you aren’t the target market… you’ll just have to be dragged like the win 98 to XP people.
The enterprise users will not
The enterprise users will not be dragged anywhere, they will transition to Linux Builds on their PC/laptops if M$ pushes the enterprises too far, Enterprises have full trained and certified Linux personnel, usually running the server room builds. There are no shelves for the enterprise customer, their are enterprise specific/certified windows OS builds/images, and windows 7 is doing just fine, as is windows XP POS for some customers. For sure windows, M$ TAX windows 10 versions, will be on most all new hardware for the consumer SKUs, but the business models(7 again), and no enterprise PC/Laptop will boot with any pre-installed windows 10, those dives will be wiped and the enterprise’s custom OS image/build will be on the drive for enterprise use.
Please re-read the above posts before you label enterprise IT departments, far and wide, and around the world, as cry babies.
A little bit more spin from your limited view of reality, on this windows 10(Enterprise) build that still contains the TIFKAM/TILED nonsense, and APIs/Run Times/crAPP toy store ecosystem!!! Look for the M$ OS(“Enterprise”) build closer to 2020 for what Enterprises will be seriously evaluating, before changing from win 7!
Why leave any M$ current windows 7 build for any of M$’s new and shiny, when millions are involved for certificating the enterprise’s mission critical software for a new OS, especially any of M$’s new and shiny offerings now or in the past in the VISTA, BOB, 8.* ME, categories. The enterprise OS/s are not for play, or that average “would you like fries with that”, school of irrational business theory mentality of yours!
I was not implying the
I was not implying the enterprise will be adopting windows 10 ASAP, i don’t expect them to any time soon…they just finally started getting 7. THey will run 7 till the end of life like they always do.
Win XP on POS, ok what is wrong with this? nothing.
There is nothing wrong with running 7 till the end of time. I have no problem or issue with ANY of this.
its your non-stop blah blah blah bash fest on every single MS related post.
what is your point? do you stand in the mirror and do this as well? who are you hoping is reading your posts?
All of this typing…what does it matter? it doesn’t…… so why are you doing it?
You change nothing.. MS will do what it will do…good bad or ugly its coming, doing what you are doing is pointless.
Well hopefully the nad-less
Well hopefully the nad-less US Justice Department Antitrust division will take notice, but I’m not holding my breath. M$ should have been broken up decades ago, and the Standard Oil trust was around a good while before people got good and tired of the whole TRUSTS thing and did something about it. It looks like Bill G. is doing the very same thing that old John D. Rockefeller did with his guilt inspired good will in his later years, but that does not erase all the bad done to the independent oil industry businesses of his time, same for Bill G. and M$’s OS domination of the Third party OEM Laptop/PC device makers, to this very day. Steam OS is coming, but for the longest time there has been a need for more OS competition, including the breakup of M$.
A little aside, when the Standard oil Trust was broken up, old John D. became richer after the breakup, because he and all of the trust’s stockholders each received a proportion of the resulting companies, in direct relation to their Standard oil holdings. Those Independent entities freed from the egotistical control of old John D., become more streamlined and efficient and were able through fair competition, and unbridled by a top heavy management structure, to more than double the old egotist’s, and cronies’ net worth. That can not be said of M$ and Gates & Ballmer boy’s egotistical reign, who knows what efficiencies could be had, and wealth for M$ stockholders created had M$ been broken up. It should happen but there are no Trust Busting Teddys to push the laws, or enforce the laws already on the books. Those who forget antitrust history are doomed to repeat it! Enjoy your Comcasts, and M$s, and bend over and enjoy your royal servicing!
are you just throwing a blind
are you just throwing a blind eye to google?
if anyone is sniffing at anti trust these days its them.
NO blind eye for Google, and
NO blind eye for Google, and all the others, including every single company on the planet, and off world when that time comes. I said in previous posts that I do not like Google’s android OS influence putting the kibosh on Tablets with full Linux distros. Google is essentially doing the Same thing that Intel is doing with its contra revenue, in that the third party OEM tablet/phone device are benefiting from, and made dependent on Google’s price supports in the form of Google taking up most of the development costs/work surrounding the android OS, much to the detriment of tablets/phones with full Linux distros, phones to a greater degree. The very reason I currently do not own a tablet PC is because of the lack of full Linux based tablet SKUs. Hopefully the fit-pc folks will brand a Linux based mint-tab to go along with their mint box line of mini/micro form factor PCs. There is even a project “Click ARM” tablet from Spain, that has modular Ara style updatable features, that comes with a variety of Linux OS, and other OS options.
So still, your Google does it too logical fallacy does not hold M$ innocent, and it is your attempt to deflect/digress from the M$ antitrust problem/s that has been going on for far too long! Big interests using their overly broad horizontal market influence(monopolistic) to force on an independent third party laptop/PC/Tablet/Phone market a vertical market scheme to monetize/profit off of the independent entities(and by definition the OEMs customers), by forcing/having to much market control(Monopoly OS control in these cases) over the third party OEM devices’ OS ecosystems, should be investigated for antitrust, M$’s Google’s, any companies’.
In Google’s case, Google should be forced to offer a/some Full Linux distro/s OS out of the box Tablet Options, and make said option available for the Third party tablet/phone market also. The more full Linux, or BSD, or Others’ distro Tablet OS options the better, the Android Runtime could be offered as an application/VM that runs under a full Linux/other distro, but the Android VM/Run time must be made an optional download and install. For M$ no more pre installed Windows on any third party OEM made PC/Laptop hardware, and a requirement of at least one alternative OS option(Linux, or BSD based, other non M$ OS) from the device makers. That includes no OS deals with individual Laptop/PC makers from M$, every OEM supplies the install media for the OEM specific drivers(windows/alternative OS/s), the customer pays for/installs the OS of choice. The customer gets the OS option and choice, and not the OEM/or M$.
” ‘Click-ARM’ Modular Tablet From ImasD Technologies Challenges Project Ara Concept”,28709.html
im not saying google does it
im not saying google does it too so its ok for MS.
im saying google is a hell of a lot more aggressive at this type of stuff and it just goes unnoticed. down to the SERPs, ads, adwords, youtube…..on and on.
you cry about MS… google has been planting trojan horses since GMAIL!!!!! the amount of sh*t they track and how they gather data and what they use it for……………unreal. Everything they create is just a hook they suck blood from.
i’ve run on both sides, goog lies to your face and tries to crawl in your bed.
MS does not do this, not even to its marketers.
If anything MS learned from its last anti trust smack down and its treading ever so lightly….. goog meanwhile is going rockets full blast while nobody cares…. awww its google….so cute.
don’t let the smile fool you, they are evil to the core. If you can’t install printer drivers, or mother board drivers, or flash, without google trying drive by installs of all their spyware………not good people driving that ship.
I used to like google, used to not so much like MS for past things, apple was just the 3rd wheel weirdo.
how things change, goog wants to watch you sleep, apple wants a cult…….MS, lesser evil? doesn’t even look so evil… looks like they are playing it safe….and i can’t wait to dance on the dead body of google…even though that day might never come, maybe they’ll pull an altavista. really a shit company the islam of the tech world…there can be only ONE! IT MUST BE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.