[H]ard|OCP has put together an exhaustive look at what you will need to play Battlefield Hardline, using both Mantle and D3D.  They tested 5 GPUs from each vendor including the Titan X as well as the GTX 980 and R9 290X in both single and dual GPU configurations.  The Mantle version appears to require some more optimization as it was outperformed by D3D 11 in testing, hopefully this will change over time.  At 1440p the Titan is unable to keep up with the GTX 980 SLI configuration and outperforms the Crossfired R9 290X setup, when they increased the resolution to 4k the Titan came out on top.  At release the game will support dual GPUs but as you can see in [H]'s testing the scaling is not as good as it could be, again this will hopefully be addressed over time.

"Battlefield Hardline has been released finally. We gather twelve video card comparisons and find out what you need to enjoy this game in multiplayer and campaign modes. We will look at multi-GPU scaling, D3D vs. Mantle, and VRAM usage to find out where the best money is spent to enjoy this new game."

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