On Tuesday a bug was discovered to have been introduced to Linux 4.0 kernel when a fix was added to deal with RAIDs where the chunksize not a power of 2, a problem present since Linux 3.14-rc1. This fix has been causing corruption on RAIDs and the file system on that RAID, making many an unhappy Arch Linux user. Only users of rolling release flavours will be effected, distros with scheduled updates like RHEL or Ubuntu are not effected at this time. The good news is that as of today there is a fix available if you wish to apply it, as well as defining the fix which caused the issue. Check out both at Phoronix.
"A few days ago we reported on an EXT4 file-system corruption issue being discovered within the stable Linux 4.0 kernel series. The good news is the issue has been uncovered and a patch is available, but it could still be a few days before it starts getting sent out in stable updates."
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