Last week Scott shared all that we can find out about Kaby Lake, Intel's asynchronous Tock between Skylake and Cannonlake. Don't hold your breath for their release, nor for Cannonlake if DigiTimes sources are accurate. If true, consumers will not see Kaby Lake for at least a year with enterprise waiting even longer which will push back the scheduled release of notebooks and PCs using the processors likely not showing up for a month or so afterwards. Skylake should be finally appearing in time for Fall and in theory products using it should be available at that time as Skylake's delay was the initial cause of these delays. As for Cannonlake; it is going to be a while.
"Following the delay of Skylake processors, Intel's next-generation Kaby Lake processors, which were originally scheduled for early 2016, reportedly will be pushed back until September 2016 for the consumer version and January 2017 for the enterprise one."
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- Netgear Nighthawk X6 R8000 AC3200 Tri-Band WiFi Router Review @ NikKTech
- How to Best Manage Encryption Keys on Linux @
What can I say? Basic
What can I say? Basic physics sux.
No competition means no
No competition means no progress. This is where capitalism fail.
I think you just explained
I think you just explained why capitalism is the only system that works: competition for customers’ money drives progress.
Lack of competetion breeds lazyness and stagnation. Thats why systems like communism and socialism fail. Thats why the west is collapsing: theyre becoming more socialist.
Yep. And banker debt-money
Yep. And banker debt-money domination is what underwrites this socialism. So don’t confuse this money with capitalism. In a truly capitalistic society, it is the person and their product that gives money value- not the other way around.
Debt bred socialist government has only one ideal worker: The slave.
Oh i know that pretty much
Oh i know that pretty much every government backed currency is totally worthless since its backed by debt. There is very little real capitalism in most economies now.
The EU is basically very
The EU is basically very close to socialism and has not completely failed, and the US is a little bit less socialistic and it has not failed either. Corporations are amoral by design, it’s the people that run the corporations that can be immoral, capitalism is what has moved your jobs to China, to seek out the lowest wages! People need to separate economic systems from democratic systems, and both unchecked capitalism and communism, add fascism in there too, are not in democracy’s best interest. Socialism the modern version of socialism is not going away, and the big corporations like the government healthcare system, it removes that costs of the corporate benefit expenses for its employees, and get’s more people seeing medical professionals, so big Pharma loves the prescription health plans, as every body qualifies and the doctors will prescribe more of big Pharma’s products. Same goes for SNAP(food stamps) benefits, the government could not reduce the numbers who qualify if it wanted to, the big agricultural interests(ADM, etc.) would put a stop to that much faster than any activists for the poor, there is big money in getting as many people fed, and the agricultural businesses do not care where the funds that buy their products come from. Capitalists will gladly do business with the most tyrannical governments on the planet, if not checked up on.
Corporations, and the laws that shield their management from too much responsibility for the management’s actions need to be reformed, and the regulations on the books enforced.
Corporations need to be constitutionally banned from the political system, and the laws that make corporations legally “People” need to be revised to make corporations not so much the same as an individual with inalienable rights, but corporations only quasi-personages as far as entering into contracts, and as being protected by bankruptcy laws, but no more political rights for corporations. No more with the corporate management meeting with elected officials, or lobbyists in the corporation’s steed, let the investors individually meet with their elected officials if they want to influence government policy, and the individual invertors would be barred from acting as lobbyists for their investment concerns directly. Big money is turning the political system upside-down and diluting the individual’s representation in democratic process.
Failure is not a matter of if
Failure is not a matter of if but when. Communism, socialism, fascism all run predicated on the lie that all labor and wealth can only be managed by a few- whether you call it “the state”, “the corporate congress”, whatever. They are just different forms of the same thing: Rule by a few.
It can’t and never has worked- and that’s why it keeps failing, re-emerging and failing. Don’t ever expect one of the elite to ever identify with you or your issues. These systems ALWAYS become self-indulgent and disaffected from the realities of the populace and establish policies based on their own comprehension of life.
A lot of people die in these processes and global level collapses with these populations could well get into the multi-billion range. Many of these elitists are reported to want to reduce the population by as much as 90%.
In short, to them your life becomes and to some IS a parasitical inconvenience.
Unchecked capitalism is the
Unchecked capitalism is the mother of communism, fascism, and a lot of other totalitarian political systems, without the proper checks and balances. So capitalism is just another thing that democracies need to keep an eye on along with the rest, least the few will get in control of the population via its wealth. To much wealth concentrated out of the hands that will use it to pay the bills and purchase the everyday goods, and keep the economy going, is bad for even the stockholders who are among the wealthy, the top 1 percent only have so much marginal need for a toaster, and the companies that make appliances need a good chunk of the population able to make appliance purchases after that population pays the rent, food, and power expenses. Keeping the wealth circulating properly and the financial, political, and commercial system from becoming dominated by a few monopoly interests, is the constant task of any democracy, least the distribution of wealth become so unbalanced that the communists, fascists, or other totalitarian entities will make a go for power, and that does include the corporations who will do business with anyone(Dictators) for a buck, or do anything to maintain their market share, including violating the laws on the books.
Silicon has been tapped out
Silicon has been tapped out years ago and yet the referee still wont break up the choke hold.
Time for a serious look at its replacement. They waited too long with their head in the clouds back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s not taking any replacement seriously. Now the entire industry will start to grind to a slow halt in the meantime.
It’ll probably be a few years or a decade of slow growth, but once the replacement is ready it’ll probably pick back up.
Thats only in the shrinking
Thats only in the shrinking consumer market. In supercomputers, big data and hyperscale datacenters, one architectural generation is up to 10x the performance of the previous.
Consumers want LED backlit trash internet of things garbage and smartphones.
People working on supercomputers and servers are still getting big performance increases at a steady pace.
Compare Knights Landing to Knights Corner or E7 V3 with 18 cores and 8 channel RAM to the first E7 with 10 cores from a few years ago.
Or look at all the stuff being done with 2.5D, HMC, EMIB and SiP architecture for FPGAs. Each generation is SEVERAL TIMES as powerful as the previous, not the 5% of consumer desktop CPUs.
And theres still plenty of new architectures that can be made with silicon.
The first exascale system will almost definitely be based on 7-10nm silicon.
Silicon will be around for
Silicon will be around for years, things are going relatively more into the 3rd dimension with stacking, and no one has the Trillions of dollars that it took just to develop the silicon based processes to spend on getting a newer non silicon based process up and running in a few years time. That will take decades, just like silicon took, and is still taking. Now that the easy process node shrinks low hanging fruit has been harvested, look for more actual microarchitectural engineering to keep up a better performance pace. Look for every wire and circuit and automated design library to be tweaked to maximize performance and get more space savings on the die, AMD made good use of their GPU design libraries, using them for CPU design with the 28nm process node that they had to work with, and AMD got more CPU circuitry from the same process node for parts that were going into lower power using SKUs. Most of the high power design library process parts the go into mobile parts are artificially power throttled anyways and not allowed to perform at full usage, so AMD decided to make the design library match the parts actual usage and got more functionality out of the same process node, no shrinks needed. Now when those parts get to 14nm even more space for extra functionality will be available per die.
So instead of Tick-Tock,
So instead of Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, its ………. Tick-Tock……………………….. Tick-Tock…………………………………………………………………………………………… Tick-Tock, or Its Tick———————————-Tock————————————–Tick—————————————————————–Tock, but really in Intel’s case its Tick, Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–Tock, Wads if cash in bank, Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–, blow some on contra revenue paying OEMs to use ATOM, charge against earnings, Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–Milk—–Milk—-Milk—–Tick…!
Isn’t it nice?
Maybe I can
Isn’t it nice?
Maybe I can use 2500k for 5~6 years.
Actually yes. I’ve had a 2010
Actually yes. I’ve had a 2010 i7 980x for 5 years now and it’s still enough CPU for gaming. If you built 5960x rig today, I think you’d be fine with upgrading the GPU for around 7-10 years.
Pretty sad all the same that we’re not moving as quick.
980x master race!
980x master race!
I hear others say each cpu
I hear others say each cpu since the 2500k has gotten a 5% increase in games. So would that not be close to 30% when this new cpu comes out.
I’ve had the 2500k all this time and I’ve been 4k gaming with a titan for 2 years on it and I understand that I would see a noticable fps increase if I went with this new cpu.
I hear both extremes, from there is no difference to 20 fps improvement. Could you please try to answer objectively, I don’t want to spend $600 or more on a mb and cpu and ram for 5 fps.
Thats only true for normal
Thats only true for normal desktop CPUs where 4 physical cores with a max of 8 threads has been the norm for at least 7 years. That 30% is from microarchitecture alone. Not bad considering its the same number of cores.
For the server market its gone from 6-8 cores with 12-16 threads to currently 18 cores with 36 threads per socket. Skylake EP will have 28 cores with 56 threads PER CPU.
Knights Landing will have 72 physical cores with 16GB of on package 3D HMC RAM.
Intel is integrating FPGAs onto Xeons and theres all kinds kf other really cool sthff happening with silicon now and in the near future.
Consumer level CPUs havent improved because theres so little demand for more performance, the dollar is worthless so they demand cheap CPUs and IoT, tablets and phones are way more popular than desktops.
I think this is the wrong way
I think this is the wrong way to analyze this change. Intel is now trying to simultaneously develop CPU and GPU architectures, but it wants to minimalize risks further with each node shrink. I think the tick-tock is being double-pumped. If Cannonlake gets a similar half refresh where graphics are the primary concern, I think that will be proof of it. Skylake is a tweaked and larger version of Broadwell’s graphics, like a gen 8.5. Kaby Lake is Skylake but with Gen 9 graphics. It’s a far more formal refresh than Devil’s Canyon was for Haswell. If Cannonlake gets a formal refresh with updated graphics, that will make a 4-part cycle. I feel like Intel will make a habit of this whether or not it ends up a 3 or 4-part cycle.
Blame ASML for exaggerating the multipatterning abilities of its machines and not having EUV ready.
Obsessive Skyrim playing is
Obsessive Skyrim playing is making me sad.
I also run into odd situations where I want very fast single-threaded performance. But there’s nothing I can do… I can’t SLI CPUs, lol.
Not that SLI is improving
Not that SLI is improving single-thread anything, it’s improving parallelism… you can get dual-CPU motherboards that do a similar thing.
This is when AMD can build
This is when AMD can build momentum. This is where Intel starts losing focus due to market dominance and AMD can creep up and knife them. Let’s hope if that is the case AMD can stay competitive instead of what resulted from the Athlon XP days.
AMD save us now
AMD save us now
Don’t worry about AMD going
Don’t worry about AMD going under, the invisible hand of the OEM’s will keep AMD going, and find a way to keep the financial industry from calling in the notes on AMD’s debts. The OEM’s are very interested in AMD’s current GPU product release, and its lowering of GPU prices across the board/market for the OEM’s supplies of GPU parts. The OEMs are also very interested in AMD’s future Zen microarchitecture’s ability to force the cost of a x86 parts supplies to go down, and save the OEM’s money.
The pathological thin and light folks at Apple are the most interested of all in AMD’s future Zen based APUs with AMD graphics(Low cost and better than Intel’s dollar for dollar) and HBM(the New mother of all motherboard space saving memory), as well as the power savings intrinsic to HBM’s design. Apple’s thin and light mavens are Homer Simpson salivating over HBM’s freeing of space and complexity off of the Motherboard and shrinking it down and putting it on the interposer package. AMD’s got something going on in the engineering division, that it never had in the board room until recently, so AMD will be back to continue to repair Hector’s, and other’s cockups in the CPU design decision processes.
What you need to worry about and pester the OEMs about is getting AMD’s new Carrizo based OEM laptop SKUs with the same screen resolution options as the OEM laptop SKUs with Intel parts! Be sure to let the OEMs know that they are being watched in this regard this time around, and that you are willing to write your state’s and the federal governments attorney generals, and complain about the lack of screen resolution, and other options on AMD x86 based laptop offerings, relative to Intel x86 based laptop offerings. Carrizo APU based laptops should be offered with options for the highest resolution screens the same as the competition’s SOC based laptops.