Bask in the glory that is this hacked together 33 port USB charger, created in the Netherlands as a workaround to connet the charges to the three rounded prongs used in Schuko sockets common in Europe. This would of course work with NEMA plugs, just line the welding rods up appropriately and connect your USB chargers up to it. Keep in mind that they use 220-240V whereas we use 110-120V so your total workable amount of plugs will vary. If you are considering building your own version of this massive USB charger, you might want to seriously consider installing some sort of circuit breaker in addition to the non-conductive cowling unless you are a fan of dead devices and house fires. Check Hack a Day for other projects from this event and others around the world.
"The Hack42 hackerspace in Arnhem, The Netherlands had collected a large number of TP-Link 5V USB chargers – but all of them had the North American NEMA plug (flat, 2 pin) which wouldn’t fit the Schuko sockets prevalent in The Netherlands. [Simon “MacSimski” Claessen] decided to whip out his giant soldering iron and use it to solder two long pieces of welding filler metal rods to 33 of the chargers, effectively wiring them up in parallel."
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I see your 33 ports and I
I see your 33 ports and I raise you 16! –
very cool… and at $174.
very cool… and at $174.
Ya that one is awesome but
Ya that one is awesome but needs its own external ATX PSU and costs you ~$180
That will alleviate power
That will alleviate power struggle at the wall socket a bit. Every airport should have at least one! 🙂
B.A.D. A.S.S.
that is all
B.A.D. A.S.S.
that is all