Microsoft promised that Windows 10 would not be pushed out to computers on a Domain, or at least allow you to block the update; a claim which has turned out to be slightly less than accurate. If you are running a Windows 7 Domain which still relies Microsoft update as opposed to WSUS you may have noticed some serious traffic spikes this morning. That is because some, perhaps all, of your computers are slurping down the 3GB Windows 10 update. Check the Register for links to Microsoft and consider blocking Microsoft Update on your firewall until this has been sorted, unless you like a slow network and living dangerously.
"The problem is affecting domain-attached Windows 7 PCs not signed up to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) for patches and updates, but looking for a Microsoft update instead."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- How To Stop Windows 10 From Automatically Rebooting Itself @ TechARP
- A Linux User's Review Of Microsoft Windows 10 @ Phoronix
- A close shave: How to destroy your hard drives without burning down the data centre @ The Register
- Making The Most of Skype on Linux @
- Khronos Debuts OpenGL ES 3.2 & New GL Extensions, But No Vulkan This Week @ Phoronix
- Hacking the Amazon Dash Button to Record Whatever You Want @ Hack a Day
- The internet has suffered deeply from Adobe web font withdrawal @ The Inquirer
- Hack a garage and the car inside with a child's toy and a few chips @ The Register
- Build an Easy and Cheap Tabletop Spray Booth @ MAKE:Blog
- Hardware Asylum Podcast – EVGA GTX 980TI Classified and MSI X99A Godlike
- "Pixels" DMCA Takedown Even Worse Than We Thought @ Slashdot
I knew for years that they
I knew for years that they snuck code in on ya. Noone ever believed me. Thanks for the proof 😉
who the hell leaves the
who the hell leaves the update option on “automatic download and install” to automatic download.
psh dumb dumb IT. Every box a build I set that thing to notify only
No not dumb IT, this 10
No not dumb IT, this 10 download is on a whole other M$ level, pushing its “Free” OS download onto small operations behind a domain(A private domain FFS) for more of those free personal metrics gathered by that “Free” windows 10, that M$ will charge the ad foisters for at a handsome profit. This is a special M$ foist out which bypasses things that it should not be bypassing. Now everybody will have to whip out the WSUS just to keep their domains from becoming a home to squatters, their servers from becoming starved for bandwidth, and computers a bot for M$ nefarious intents.
People are more than a little VISTA level of pissed off!
yes dumb IT. you can let
yes dumb IT. you can let veins pop out of your forehead all you want but in a company setting..hell any setting it should be set to let you handle updates.
And no this win 10 update doesn’t bypass jack sh*t, its not even a critical update. You are living in your own crazy world man…hope the guys in the black vans aren’t watching you…i think they just drove by your house, quick destroy your computer and go hide in the woods.
Quick bend over M$’s got a
Quick bend over M$’s got a big 10 for you! But you like that sort of OSAAAF service from the spys in Redmond.
Yeep, as an IT Support, I
Yeep, as an IT Support, I always turned off automatic update when setting up new PC in our domain.
No, not due to compatibilty issues (but sometimes it occur,just hate that very much when happened) but because it will eat our limited internet company bandwidth for sure.
Hell be careful just visiting
Hell be careful just visiting M$’s website, they are trying to drive by a Windows 10 install acceptance on machines that have 7, or 8.1. Talk about the ultimate Key logger, and those posts on the Register, man some of the independent IP managers, and their Mom an Pop clients had a hell of a time with the customer’s web portals so clogged up that business could not be conducted. I guess even the small Mom and Pop businesses will have to run WSUS or they will get bandwidth bombed again. Those pointy haired genuses at M$ think that this foisting is a good idea!
Didn’t know we were still in
Didn’t know we were still in the 90s and people still type M$, which automatically nulls the entire comment whenever anyone over the age of 12 sees it.
yep, i roll my eyes and shake
yep, i roll my eyes and shake my head at the same time.
tech trolls that don’t grow up.
M$ still has a monopoly in
M$ still has a monopoly in the PC/Laptop OS market, and is illegally using its broad horizontal market control to force a vertical market control over the third party PC/Laptop makers by forcing its OS onto new OEM hardware by bundling it with the hardware pre-installed on new hardware. So the illegal forcing of PC/Laptop users into M$ closed ecosystem OS(Win 10), and possibly illegal locking down of third party PC/Laptop hardware with that “Optional” choice of not providing any windows secure boot off switch in the device’s UEFI/BIOS. M$ also controls the secure boot key signing authority, so watch out on new hardware with that 10 spy-ware installed you may be stuck with the spy-ware! M$ is doing an Apple, and it’s doing it on PCs/Laptops that M$ does not even manufacture.
M$ = monopoly! And unlike the Standard OIL Trust, the government this time around is so thoroughly bought and paid for that monopoly continues to illegally foist at will its “Vision” of a better OS 1984 world! Grovel before your masters, Astro-Turfers!
Here’s the lowdown
Here’s the lowdown kiddies.
You use a cell phone, give people you don’t know every intimate detail of your life because nobody reads EULA’s. Remember the Human Centipad episode of South Park?
You have 2 choices if you want to avoid all of this. One is to not upgrade anything and stop using mobile devices. The other is to just change your context. Installing Windows 10, regardless of what you do with the “privacy” settings essentially turns your PC into an Internet Kiosk with spiffy interface.
That’s it. Get real folks, this is how the world works now and if you think you have any rights when it comes to software you need to read your “license” again. You Don’t own software, you rent it which means the Microsoft’s and the Apple’s of the world can do anything they please without consulting you.
I suggest you choose what you share carefully.
but really, if you want
but really, if you want to lock win10 down 100% you can, plenty of guides out there and it takes all of 10 mins.
People actually put win10 on wireshark and watched..and found out what you have to turn off and how to make it stop sending anything.
Also without a microsoft account on the computer all of that search data is faceless, they use the data but its not connected to you at all.
but thats ok its easy to just b*tch back to your google searches, while you login to your gmail account, and post on facebook about win10 sucking.
… and Adobe, you forgot the
… and Adobe, you forgot the bastards that proved this was acceptable enough to
idiotscustomers that you could still successfully profit from this modeladobe is the worst holy crap
adobe is the worst holy crap i can’t believe the customers took that.
You don’t own photoshop anymore suckers!
Watch out for that M$ Windows
Watch out for that M$ Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) feature, they(Lenovo) are root-kiting bloatware loaders/re-loaders onto The UEFI/BIOS, it’s ->This, along with Secure Boot that is a slippery slope to hardware servitude! Grovel before your OS/OEM overloads, and be force fed more spyware, and crapware! A good probing right in the personal metrics is incoming also.
They are at it again! Time for the Open Source UEFI/BIOS, and OSs, the only thing that Secure Boot is doing is securing for M$, and the OEMs under its control, a sure way to SECURE control your hardware! How’s that force feeding of CACA-ware going, Now open wide above and below!
edit: SECURE control your
edit: SECURE control your hardware!
to : SECURE control of your hardware!