EA continues to tease us before the November 17th launch date of Star Wars Battlefront, now with a brand new launch trailer which you can watch below. Enjoy the trailer, fondly remember the open beta and put that credit card down! If you don't want Day 1 DLC, games that are only mostly ready for Primetime at launch and Deluxe Pre-order Editions that cost over $100 then don't pre-order games! If you don't encourage them by buying things sight unseen then the problem will go away.
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People will watch this, and
People will watch this, and then pre-order even more.
Since the dawn of computers,
Since the dawn of computers, I’ve never pre-ordered anything. But the recent case of this and Just Cause 3, I popped my pre-order cherry. Why? Because the beta seems worth it to me to think the final product will be fun enough. I also think it’s not worth waiting a year for the 30% off sale and the servers are all dead to buy it then. So either buy it now with some extras.. or wait and buy it day 1.
As for JC3.. Well JC2 is my favorite game so why not. Even if it sucks.. I want to play it to determine that myself.
But yeah.. I loved Mirrors Edge too.. but I am waiting to see on Mirrors Edge 2 as it’s a lot different then the 1st.
Every time I break my rule
Every time I break my rule and pre-order I’ve been burned.
Last one was DOA Last Round for PC. I could get by the missing features vs PS4 but NO RUMBLE on the controller? Sigh. And by the time that occurred my two hour return was gone.
Before that I think it was DIABLO 3 because I assumed that would be fine. It took me TWO MONTHS to finally play the game due to various issues on Blizzard’s side then I hated it. Sigh again.
(At least when Batman AK was released I decided to wait until it was fixed… still waiting even after the big four-month to buy again. Maybe I’ll just play Arkham City for the fourth time… )
That is an amazing trailer!
That is an amazing trailer!
Was looking forward to this
Was looking forward to this but, no server browser = no sale. Never had good experiences with matchmaking. Outside Blizzard, I can’t see anyone successfully pulling it of on the PC. Works great for MS and live but, EA wont invest in that type of infrastructure for the PC platform and definitely not for one game. What’s mind boggling, EA and others now refuse to let us run our own servers and spend it’s money setting up the environment (yes we now have to rent from their providers)and we have a worst experience.
Clan hosted servers handled hackers quickly and efficiently. EA and others still haven’t shown me the benefits of this new strategy.
That’s my rant for today 🙂
I agree on this. But I do
I agree on this. But I do have extra cash lying around just for this so getting it but not gonna take it too seriously…
Not buying it day one and I don’t do fucking pre-order BS
If it was a steam game I
If it was a steam game I would tend to agree you shouldn’t pre-order, EA actually has a pretty nice “Great Game Guarantee” policy though.
That’s one thing they have going for them.
double post(let us delete
double post(let us delete these!)