I just happened to be doing some testing on the Acer XR341CK 34-in 3440×1440 FreeSync monitor with a 75 Hz refresh rate and started taking some screenshots. I have no real reason to do this, but I thought I might as well share some images from what I believe to be one of the most impressive looking games in a long time. Below I have included a handful of full resolution screenshots from the two multiplayer maps currently available in the nearly-over Battlefront beta.
If you are a Star Wars fan and you haven't tried out the free beta, you owe it to yourself to do so. The combination of classic music, well known ships and locations, and simple to understand gameplay that is exciting and rewarding make this a fantastic experience thus far. I eagerly await the full release next month!
Click for full resolution
Click for full resolution
Click for full resolution
Click for full resolution
Click for full resolution
Click for full resolution
Click for full resolution
on the first screenshot! Did
on the first screenshot! Did you type that nice word in the chat?
Not quite. 😉
Not quite. 😉
Haha I love PC gaming!
Haha I love PC gaming!
You can turn off all the UI
You can turn off all the UI elements in the graphics options to get a cleaner screenshot.
I miss the live streams where
I miss the live streams where Ryan gets killed every 5 seconds.. :p …smart, you’re only showing screenshots! lol
Now if they could deliver
Now if they could deliver some PC type options to this game. Dedicated servers, mod support, clan functionality, ladder play. Anything.
Its a port. Controls are
Its a port. Controls are fully console orientated, so its nerfing PC play ability. Just look at the graphics. DICE have gone to the console Darkside with this one.
What are you yapping about?
What are you yapping about? The graphics look great. The game is amazingly well-optimised.
“Controls are fully console orientated, so its nerfing PC play ability”
What does this even mean? Nerfing “PC play ability”? What are you even on about? The controls are just fine. The only thing that is gimped is air combat and that’s good, because aircombat had too much importance in previous DICE games.
It’s fine to be unhappy with the game but at least criticise it intelligenty and not come off as a confused ranter.
Great graphics?
Are you
Great graphics?
Are you referring to the poop-smear textures in this shot?
Get your eyes checked dude,
Get your eyes checked dude, really…
Some people jeez.
I assume you’re referring to
I assume you’re referring to the nearly photo-realistic rocks?
I don’t understand why you
I don’t understand why you are singling out this game for mod support. DICE hasn’t released a mod-capable game for over 5 years now. This may be a complaint but it’s not new and no point in attacking Battlefront specifically for it.
As for dedicated servers, better point.
As for ladder play etc, competitive Battlefield is dead today so I don’t see why Battlefront should be forced be competitive oriented.
Honestly, this is a Battlefront game, not a Battlefield game. Compare it to Battlefront 2, not BF4.
Meanwhile surround doesn’t
Meanwhile surround doesn’t work on beta and all HUD elements including crosshair is on the left screen… 🙁 That’s was with one card. SLI + Surround crashes the game out directly. From Google, it doesn’t seem I am alone.
I didn’t have any issue for BF4 beta back then. Not sure how DICE screwed up here…
Agree. Shame on them for
Agree. Shame on them for screwing up a free beta.
So constructive criticism
So constructive criticism isn’t welcome? Isn’t that the point of a Beta? That being said, this game engine looks gorgeous and probably a candidate for future hardware reviews.
Sorry, didn’t see the
Sorry, didn’t see the sarcasm.
I ran into the same problem
I ran into the same problem with Eyefinity on the beta where the scope only showed on the left monitor.
I did read of the fix online, which was to disable Eyefinity/Surround. Go to the monitor properties / resolution setting page and see which monitor was reporting as being #1 and then switch the cables so that the center monitor reported as #1. Then re-enable Eyefinity/Surround.
I didn’t bother with it as it was a hassle and there was only 1 day left in the beta. We’ll see if it’s fixed on launch day.
I honestly really enjoyed the game. The one major detractor for me was the lack of dedicated servers and a server browser. I’ve never seen a game where matchmaking turned out really well, and the devs know how much we hate it so I don’t understand why they keep building games that way.
Been playing it at 4k as well
Been playing it at 4k as well while ROG is repaired, 60hz sucks THAT IS ALL!
I would strongly disagree
I would strongly disagree with “most impressive looking games”.
I actually thought it looked quite poor. No BF4 WOW moments 4 me.
It scenery looks designed for console. No flurys of snow, animal life (yeah I know its a frozen planet), wind, sleet or snow. Structures limited. Based on the two maps available on the beta, both gave me the same feeling.
Was running on 4k on 980SLI and 1440 ROG monitor 970SLI.
By the way, the AT AT at the end. How lame is the final shots.
Didn’t they stick it on full charge and blast the power generators, looks kinda anticlimactic at the end of the walker level
You can tell I wasn’t sold on the game, especially at full price.
You’re making the same
You’re making the same idiotic mistake I’ve seen over and over again: comparing a Battlefront game to BF4.
Also, if your “criticism” of a game is that it doesn’t have enough animals – animals! – on a frozen fucking planet you’re come off as mildly pathetic.
I know right? Why would he
I know right? Why would he compare a current FPS game’s graphics with goal of trying to be “photorealistic” to another current FPS game’s graphic with goal of trying to be “photorealistic”? That’s blasphemy.
LOL right now it IS one of
LOL right now it IS one of the most impressive looking Star Wars games out there. You don’t even know about the other modes and maps and already labelling it, pathetic.
What are you like one of those nerds that pledged hundreds of euros to Star Citizen? Jeez get a life!
He’s comparing it to
He’s comparing it to Battlefield 4’s graphics. Saying that it’s one of the best looking Star Wars games out there is irrelevant and doesn’t really answer his point at all.
That’s a straw man if I ever saw one.
You then resort to name calling? Jeez…
Summary: Game looks great but
Summary: Game looks great but the combat is too gimped and non-customizable. WAY too much aim assist, no bullet drop(obviously but still).. I thought I would just throw my money because this is a Starwars game and because I love DICE games, but now, with the $50 added pass and lack of customization I don’t think ill be getting it..Anyone share my feelings?
This is how the BF3 beta
This is how the BF3 beta multiplayer started, you had few things to customize. I bet they are holding back the full amount of in-game items.
But why such a large lack of
But why such a large lack of communication about that stuff? It can ONLY be a positive thing to let us know what is customizable.
Knowing EA in a future DLC or
Knowing EA in a future DLC or something to change you more money for customization.
Not true. I am comparing
Not true. I am comparing customization to BF4 which had everything in the vanilla game. EA didn’t require DLC or Premium for changing guns and vehicles.
Your still comparing apples
Your still comparing apples to oranges. You cant compare a beta to a complete game. They are going to limit people to certian pre – determined classes and guns. This happened in bf3 beta, you had 4 classes to choose from and that was it.
So sli is working in this
So sli is working in this title? I have crossfire and 1 card was at 0% usage and the other was 99% in After burner.
The back drops to the multiplayer are fantastic, the music is lovely, and the pace is pretty good. I just can’t get into the game.
It does not work.
It does not work.
From others over at Guru3d is
From others over at Guru3d is that SLI works great.
I’m definitely buying this game but not going for season pass and all that other BS
Ryan, this was such a cool
Ryan, this was such a cool idea. I’m a big believer that 21:9 will surpass 4K in popularity. It is a near perfect resolution for gaming.
FAIRFIGHT BANNED “cavman32acr”
Hello, multiplayer.