Back in September, SquareEnix announced that Final Fantasy V was coming to the PC. I took the opportunity to list all the main-line Final Fantasy titles, sorted by generation, and classified them as having a PC release (or not). The odd one out was Final Fantasy IX. It belongs in the set of three original PlayStation titles, but, unlike VII and VIII, was not given a PC release at the time. I was worried that SquareEnix might not go through the trouble for just a single game.
Apparently, they are doing a version for PCs and Smartphones. It looks somewhat similar to the handheld remake of Final Fantasy III, although that is similar to the PlayStation graphics. It is possible that it will not make it to a worldwide release, but, since the website is fully translated into English, you would expect that the game would be localized, too. If the game is localized, there's very little reason to block it off geographically.
They only have system requirements for iOS. They will probably list Windows system requirements at a later date, which I assume the disable “System” button refers to. Android 4.1 is required for that platform, but they don't say anything about hardware. Regardless, I doubt that this will require much.
Love this Game for it was the
Love this Game for it was the last open world They Release
i grew up on this game. id
i grew up on this game. id love to see this and 10 on pc. even though i know i cant run them.
Zero FFs was given that day.
Zero FFs was given that day. Because it’s IX, one of the worst of the “older FFs” ever made.
If that trailer is
If that trailer is representative, the major graphical changes from emulating the PSX version are:
– FMVs are properly deinterlaced (or taken from a progressive source) and scaled, with some filtering applied.
– UI text is either uprezzed or at rendered at native resolution
– Battle UI is slightly reworked
– Backgrounds have the same poor quality upscaling (ugh, dat oversmoothed aliasing) that plagues the FFVII and FFVIII PC versions, likely for the same reason.
I have a love hate
I have a love hate relationship with the game.
It’s both unique and contrived, equally beautiful and manipulative, innovative and derived.
Vivi for instance was created purely to manipulate the audience, the creators don’t even deny this. They studied how children moved and baked what the found into the character in order to ensure the audience with fall prey to pathos when they saw him waddling around. Great for merchandising eh?
The battle system is so much slower and more clunky than the previous two entries that it makes the game outright painful to play. The freedom to customize your characters is gone. The story line is a convoluted mess.
But oh man is that fantasy world beautiful, artistic, and pristinly well crafted.