A new version of GeForce Experience was published yesterday. It is classified as a beta, which I'm guessing means that they wanted to release it before the Holidays, but they didn't want to have to fix potential, post-launch issues during the break. Thus, release it as a beta so users will just roll back if something doesn't work. On the other hand, NVIDIA is suggesting that it will be a recurring theme with their new "Early Access" program.
It has a few interesting features, though. First, it has a screenshot function that connects with Imgur. Steam's F12 function is pretty good for almost any title, but there are some times that you don't want to register the game with Steam, so a second option is welcome. They also have an overlay to control your stream, rather than just an indicator icon.
They added the ability to choose the Twitch Ingest Server, which is the server that the broadcaster connects to and delivers your stream into Twitch's back-end. I haven't used ShadowPlay for a while, but you previously needed to use whatever GeForce Experience chose. If it's not the best connection (ex: across the continent) then you basically had to deal with it. OBS and OBS Studio have these features too of course. I'll be clear: NVIDIA is playing catch-up to open source software in that area.
The last feature to be mentioned might just be the most interesting, though. A while ago, we mentioned that NVIDIA wants to allow online co-op by a GameStream-like service. They now have it, and it's called GameStream Co-op. The viewer can watch, take over your input, or register as a second gamepad. It requires a GeForce GTX 650 (or 660M) or higher.
Kaillera 2.0
Kaillera 2.0
Hopefully this beta will
Hopefully this beta will allow me to DO Shadowplay capture on my 860m. It used to work. But they removed or borked it recently and recording just never works.
Valve really needs to
Valve really needs to pressure more developers to provide more co-op on PC. Valve itself needs to update its games to provide co-op. It’s absurd that Left 4 Dead, etc. has split screen on consoles, but not on PC – while at the same time Valve is trying to promote Big Picture. Lead by example, assclowns.
You can get split screen to
You can get split screen to work on the PC with Left 4 Dead (/2) if you don't mind going through some console commands. But yeah, they really need to officially support it.
I wouldn’t really call that
I wouldn’t really call that “working”. Plus, you can’t have individual Steam users log in as smoothly as Xbox Live, for example.
I hope they fixed all the
I hope they fixed all the crashing.
Crashing? What? Are you
Crashing? What? Are you crazy? Nvidia drivers NEVER, EVER crash. Nvidia drivers are perfect, every time. Always have been. The only drivers that ever crash are AMD drivers. Those filthy, filthy AMD peasant drivers.
Nvidia drivers are coded, by hand, by God himself, and bestowed upon Huang upon a bed of gold and velvet, for distribution to the Chosen People.
How about the clock-rate fix
How about the clock-rate fix for high refresh monitors?
That would be a driver thing.
That would be a driver thing.
I wonder when the 361.37 are
I wonder when the 361.37 are coming out.
I’m assuming this guy is an Nvidia employee:
Because he keeps posting videos with them, including one with NVBug database visible.