With the depressing news about security holes below the fold it seemed appropriate to post something positive before you get depressed about PDFs, fonts and other such things. This morning Slashdot posted just such a story, researchers have managed to turn recycled paper into an aerogel. Aerogels are a relatively new substance, usually created with silica, metals or polymers and are incredibly light, amazing insulators and often have other arcane usages. Recycled paper might not seem a likely substance to form an insulator, however the polymer resin coated cellulose aerogel still retains that common property. It is also capable of absorbing up to 90 times its dry weight in spilled oil while completely excluding water, and to allow for the recovery of 99% of that oil for use again.
"A team of scientists have successfully turned paper waste into aerogel. Aerogels are used in insulation, and they are usually made out of polymers and silica. But a research team at the National University of Singapore managed to make the highly sought-after product using recycled paper …"
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Linode SSH key blunder left virtual servers open to man-in-the-middle fiddles for months @ The Register
- LibreOffice 5.1 arrives with retooled UI and improved Microsoft Office compatibility @ The Inquirer
- Don't touch that PDF or webpage until your Windows PC is patched @ The Register
- It's 2016 and a font file can own your computer @ The Register
- Google crafts custom networking CPU with parallel computing links @ The Register
- Samsung POWERbot VR9300K & VR9200 Models Revealed @ Tech ARP
“It is also capable of
“It is also capable of absorbing up to 90 times its dry weight in spilled oil while completely excluding water”
So does this mean it is ideal for cleaning up huge multibillion dollar oil spills? And if so, how do we force the oil companies to fund the shit out of this stuff so that they can finally pay for cleaning up their fuckups themselves?
It does, and the fact they
It does, and the fact they get 99% of the crude back is a pretty good incentive.
Yeah but I don’t think they
Yeah but I don’t think they should get the crude back. They were reckless enough to dump all that oil into the ocean, they obviously didn’t need it that much, right?
The really depressing story
The really depressing story is all the gimping the laptop OEM’s did with AMD’s Carrizo SKUs like the FX8800P getting single channel memory, and the Y700 tested unable to use its integrated GPU with its discrete GPU! And the wattage and cooling solution gimping by the laptop OEMs!
So this feel good story does not help, how about putting the laptop OEMs on the hot seat with AMDs Bristol Ridge and show them that someone is watching out for their readers! Ask the laptop OEMs if they will continue to do a poor job with AMDs mobile Carrizo/Bristol Ridge refresh SKUs like they did with Carrizo! Will the potential customers be able to look forward to mobile Bristol Ridge APUs with DDR4 memory with at least 2 channels to that RAM, and the ability to use the integrated APU’s GCN GPU with the Discrete mobile GCN GPU for gaming!
How about your opinion of the AnandTech story that broke on Feb 4, 2016!(1) How about tearing into some laptop OEMs crappy product treatments to cheer your the readers up, that would sure make them happy to see someone looking out for the consumer!
“Who Controls the User Experience: AMD’s Carrizo Thoroughly Tested”
Okay, look. I’m a huge AMD
Okay, look. I’m a huge AMD fan, and I’d like nothing better than for OEMs to take Carrizo seriously.
But honestly. That has NOTHING WHATSOFUCKINGEVER TO DO WITH THIS STORY. There is literally nothing about computers in this article. Nothing.
You’re spamming this stuff over every story they post here and it’s really getting obnoxious. You’re evidence of one of many reasons why AMD fans are viewed the way they are, and as one of them, I’d really appreciate it if you’d stop.
Do not care about the crappy
Do not care about the crappy fluff stories, only care about computer tech reporting, and you want to avoid the real stories way TOO MUCH! So stick it where the sun don’t shine! So F-off you shill! Nobody cares about AMD’s fans, its about consumers gettin better choices through legal competition, and not the corrupt industry you so happily support! The technology industry is like the oil industry of the past before the antitrust laws stopped that nonsence! So blow it out you A$$, you minion!
Props go out to the sites that covered the AnandTech story, and it’s the technology subject stories that sites do not report that will ultimately tell the readers the true objectivity of the sites that ignore the hard subjects like Anandtech covered, along with the other sites that mentioned Anandtech’s review!
This take what we feed you on the hardware side, and the OS/software side of the technology industry must be stopped, or consumers will continue to get the short end of the stick! Sites that avoid the hard news are the sites that are just there for the sales, and not much more! It’s no wonder the PC/Laptop market is in the crapper, and it will continue to be!
If you don’t like PCPer’s
If you don’t like PCPer’s reporting, go somewhere else. It’s that simple.
But instead you’d rather (anonymously) post a bunch of garbage completely unrelated to the article at hand and try to tell PCPer how to run their site. Tell me, what’s the URL for the tech site that YOU run? I’d sure like to see how it’s SUPPOSED to be done.
Oh, what’s that? You don’t have one? Gee, I never would have guessed.
Take your insults and your hostility somewhere else. Like it or not, PCPer talks about more than computers.
And since you brought it up, tell me. Who exactly am I shilling for? What do I have to gain, as an AMD fan, from trying to “avoid the real stories” that YOU have decided are “real”? Why should I care what YOU think is important? Do you honestly expect every tech site you comment on to drop whatever else they do and cater to YOUR demands? What are you, 8 years old?
I’ll say this again – THIS ARTICLE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CARRIZO. If there are so many other sites that have “mentioned Anandtech’s review” then why the hell does PCPer have to beat the dead horse, too? They’re going to cover the stories that they like, and that they want to share with their fanbase. If you’re not interested in the subject, DON’T READ THE ARTICLE. Move on to the next one. If you don’t like the stories that PCPer writes about, go read another site.
Take your immature, childish, “talk about what I want you to talk about and shut up about everything else or I’ll spam your comments with what I want to talk about” attitude and fuck yourself with it.
You are the problem with the computer enthusiast world. You are the scum that floats on the surface of the pond, ruining what would otherwise be a gorgeous landscape. You’re a spoiled little brat who has yet to learn that no, the world is not going to cater to your selfish demands.
Probably works for AMD
Probably works for AMD marketing.
I hope not. The last thing
I hope not. The last thing AMD needs is shills like that.
“Aerogels are a relatively
“Aerogels are a relatively new substance,”
Relatively new, only 85 years old!