In honor of Safer Internet Day, Google is offering up 2GB of additional Google Drive storage space for free to users that run a security checkup on their accounts through this Google tool.
Google will ask you to go through several steps to secure your Google account and verify your information. You will need to confirm your account recovery information and connected devices. The tool will also show you what applications and services have access to your Google account (for me it was only Chrome and Target's Cartwheel app). Further, it will ask you to set up 2-factor authentication and confirm that you still want to leave the listed app passwords active (app passwords are randomly generated passwords used in apps that do not support 2-factor authentication, such as Thunderbird).
After stepping through the security checklist, you will find an addtional 2GB of storage space in your Drive account. Note that native Google Docs do not count against your space, but uploaded copies of things like Excel spreadsheets and Word documents kept in those formats do. Get the free space while it's still being offered!
Also, I hope that you have already locked in your OneDrive storage space as well!
Safer Internet Day really
Safer Internet Day really seems like a greeting card-esque creation.
“Open your checking account
“Open your checking account now and get a FREE toaster!”
all while they read your data
all while they read your data and give the NSA access.
More like give them more
More like give them more personal data and access to more data to get something useless in the long run. We need more regulations about what/how these companies collect data, and they need to be open about who has the user data. then again it will never happen.
the NSA has already
the NSA has already compromised linux in systemd.
Don’t you dare speak ill of
Don’t you dare speak ill of systemdicks.
send the linux trolls
send the linux trolls back into hiding.
Did not work for me. *shrug*
Did not work for me. *shrug*
Me neither.
Me neither.
Hmm I just tried it with my
Hmm I just tried it with my other Google account (personal google apps account but that shouldnt make a difference) and it did not give me the extra space :-/. Google may have rescined the offer. I was able to do it a couple days aIgo and it worked for my main google account.
Me neither
Me neither
It worked for me on my
It worked for me on my personal account. I’m now showing 19GB total storage (as I also took advantage of this 2GB bonus the last time it was offered).