During our 12-hour live streaming event cleverly titled "Streaming Out Loud", we invited Ben Kuchera from Polygon.com to stop in and talk about a subject he is very passionate about: virtual reality. Ben has been a VR enthusiast since the beginning, getting a demo of the first Rift prototype from John Carmack himself. He was able to bring over the HTC Vive Pre unit to the office for some show and tell, answer questions about the experiences he has had so far, hardware requirements and much more.
Ben Kuchera is one of the
Ben Kuchera is one of the scummiest, trolling, click-baitish, absolutely pathetic excuses for anything in the game industry. The only thing this guy should see the light of is an incinerator.
Kuchera is the type of person
Kuchera is the type of person who gets ppl fired for disagreeing with him on the internet.
Not to mention his involvment in the GameJournoPros mailing list where they coordinated attacks on youtubers they didnt like, and colluded to push certain political agendas, and silence ppl who tried to expose corruption.
And finally, Kuchera has yet to apologise to Brad Wardell, head of Stardock for spreading the false rape acusations with no evidence.
The accuser admitted it was false charges, and most outlets gave an apology to Wardell, but Kuchera never did!
Wardell is still suffering from the aftermath and gets death threats daily.
Please, if you get a chance,
Please, if you get a chance, have various animals try VR goggles. For example, how will a mountain lion react to a VR game? How about a bear?
Ooo! A bear wearing VR
Ooo! A bear wearing VR playing Bear Simulator!
Kuch still rocking those
Kuch still rocking those industry connections? I thought we had seen the last of him after they dismantled the entire clickbait inflamitory newsish section of penny arcade he was using to SJW the heck out of everything his gaze fell upon.
Probably the most
Probably the most entertaining segment of SOD. Allyn’s soldering lessons was another high point. (Everything else was also fine but watching the whole show live was surprisingly taxing in itself.)