Some of the games may still be in beta but the driver is fully WHQL; NVIDIA has released Version 365.10 of their graphics driver which focuses on Battleborn which arrives on May 3rd. We do hope that you have not helped perpetuate the crime against gaming humanity which is the pre-order, but if you have then you should be pre-ordering this driver as well. Along with Battleborn comes support for three games currently in beta, open or otherwise, Forza Motorsport 6: APEX, Paragon, and Overwatch. The Release Notes also mention new SLI profiles for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Overwatch and even good 3D Vision support for Battleborn for the dozen of you out there which will benefit from it. If you follow the links below you can read NVIDIA's suggested GPUs for these games.
Today, we’ve launched our Game Ready driver for Battleborn. It also covers some beta games: Forza Motorsport 6: APEX (Beta), Paragon (Beta), and Overwatch (Beta).
You can grab GeForce Game Ready 365.10 WHQL drivers on this link.
Related Links:
Game Ready Driver Article:
Overwatch Recommended GPU Article:
Paragon Recommended GPU Article:
Forza Motorsport 6: Apex System Requirements (external page):
Game Ready Driver Release Highlights:
Made a typo in the article
Made a typo in the article title. The articles on this site suffer quite a few typos lately. Not that this one would count, but I’ve seen plenty where a spell checker would’ve caught it.
Just had to talk shit faggot.
Just had to talk shit faggot. Didn’t you. Go suck some more AMD Dick you cum guzzling NIGGER lover.
Game Nazis! Gaming has a
Game Nazis! Gaming has a problem! A little too much goose stepping in the gaming world!
Ok I’ll be first one to post
Ok I’ll be first one to post on the actual article (Although post 2 might be somewhat related?).
Anyhow, I installed these drivers and they work fine (Intel 3570k, Z77, 8 gigs memory, GTX 960 4GB, Windows 7). To me they seem faster across the board with my games (WoW, FC4, BF4, etc). I have had no problems.
Oh, mods, you might want to delete the hate spewing post above mine. It adds nothing to the topic unless your a 13 year old who just learned about curse words.
Jeremy seems to think they
Jeremy seems to think they are funny, also it is a view so it seems we’ll be seeing these for awhile
Don’t worry, they get bored
Don't worry, they get bored quickly if no one plays with them. All part of the flying the friendly virtual skies.
That dude is probably an AMD
That dude is probably an AMD fanboy posing as an Nvidia fanboy just to attract more hatred towards the green team.
No it’s the illogical FanBoys
No it’s the illogical FanBoys of all Teams that need to take their fatheads to the ESPN blogs, where the technology is not so much confusing to these illogical FanBoys and clear winners/losers can be had, until the next match/season. If Both Nvidia and AMD do not prosper and innovate under some fair market competition then everybody loses!
Let’s kick-start an AMD, Nvidia, Intel, Other semi-pro sports league so that all the Cletus the slack-jawed yokel types can get their immediate win/loss fix and leave the technology debates to the ones with the higher gray-matter to lard ratios between their ears!
Old Cletus the FanBoy has got a fragile outlook on life with his main source of income being that shovel and that manure that has to be loaded into that wheelbarrow and used to fertilize the fields. The farmer did not hire you to play with that fondle slab all day you Numpty Headed Nincompoop!
I thought that might be a
I thought that might be a possibility, but having spent a little time on the WCCF comment threads, I am convinced he’s an actual Nvidia fanboy, coming from WCCF to spew his nonsense on a site whose comments allow him to post without consequences.
“NVLink Takes GPU
“NVLink Takes GPU Acceleration To The Next Level”(1)
Nice article about NVLink, and hopefully one of those OpenPower Power8/Power9 licensees, or even Nvidia will think about making/Branding a Power based/Nvidia GPU gaming system. AMD needs to get a OpenPower license if just to get into the third party Power licensee OpenPower/GPU accelerator market, but even for a third party power based gaming market, you never know!