Some of the games may still be in beta but the driver is fully WHQL; NVIDIA has released Version 365.10 of their graphics driver which focuses on Battleborn which arrives on May 3rd.  We do hope that you have not helped perpetuate the crime against gaming humanity which is the pre-order, but if you have then you should be pre-ordering this driver as well.  Along with Battleborn comes support for three games currently in beta, open or otherwise, Forza Motorsport 6: APEX, Paragon, and Overwatch. The Release Notes also mention new SLI profiles for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Overwatch and even good 3D Vision support for Battleborn for the dozen of you out there which will benefit from it.  If you follow the links below you can read NVIDIA's suggested GPUs for these games.

Today, we’ve launched our Game Ready driver for Battleborn.  It also covers some beta games:  Forza Motorsport 6: APEX (Beta), Paragon (Beta), and Overwatch (Beta).
You can grab GeForce Game Ready 365.10 WHQL drivers on this link.
Related Links:
Game Ready Driver Article:
Overwatch Recommended GPU Article:
Paragon Recommended GPU Article:
Forza Motorsport 6: Apex System Requirements (external page):
Game Ready Driver Release Highlights: