Update (May 12th, 1:45am): Okay so the post has been deleted, which was originally from Chris Bencivenga, Support Manager at EVGA. A screenshot of it is attached below. Note that Jacob Freeman later posted that "More info about SLI support will be coming soon, please stay tuned." I guess this means take the news with a grain of salt until an official word can be released.
Original Post Below
According to EVGA, NVIDIA will not support three- and four-way SLI on the GeForce GTX 1080. They state that, even if you use the old, multi-way connectors, it will still be limited to two-way. The new SLI connector (called SLI HB) will provide better performance “than 2-way SLI did in the past on previous series”. This suggests that the old SLI connectors can be used with the GTX 1080, although with less performance and only for two cards.
This is the only hard information that we have on this change, but I will elaborate a bit based on what I know about graphics APIs. Basically, SLI (and CrossFire) are simplifications of the multi-GPU load-balancing problems such that it is easy to do from within the driver, without the game's involvement. In DirectX 11 and earlier, the game cannot interface with the driver in that way at all. That does not apply to DirectX 12 and Vulkan, however. In those APIs, you will be able to explicitly load-balance by querying all graphics devices (including APUs) and split the commands yourself.
Even though a few DirectX 12 games exist, it's still unclear how SLI and CrossFire will be utilized in the context of DirectX 12 and Vulkan. DirectX 12 has the tier of multi-GPU called “implicit multi-adapter,” which allows the driver to load balance. How will this decision affect those APIs? Could inter-card bandwidth even be offloaded via SLI HB in DirectX 12 and Vulkan at all? Not sure yet (but you would think that they would at least add a Vulkan extension). You should be able to use three GTX 1080s in titles that manually load-balance to three or more mismatched GPUs, but only for those games.
If it relies upon SLI, which is everything DirectX 11, then you cannot. You definitely cannot.
jayz 2 cents says its a rumor
jayz 2 cents says its a rumor
…and we’ll know how
…and we'll know how accurate his call on that is soon enough!
I love JayzTwoCents, but I
I love JayzTwoCents, but I can’t help but suspect that it might be wishful thinking on his part – he already said in his video about the reference cards – oops, I mean “Founder’s Edition” cards – that he was going to do 3-way SLI. Then this rumor breaks.
Actually its posted in evga
Actually its posted in evga forums by staffer.
Current news amd pushed vega to October launch. Enthusiast finally have something to be excited about not this overhyped pay $100 extra for same performance reference card!
Why be excited for the Vega
Why be excited for the Vega that is rumoured in October?
It’s only aimed to go against GTX 1080…
It’s not “big” Vega which is supposed to go up against GP100 or GP102 (“big” Pascal).
This isnt, “according to
This isnt, “according to evga”, this is according to some random youtube guy and evga’s forums. Cmon pcper.
The post, now deleted, was
The post, now deleted, was from Chris Bencivenga, Support Manager for EVGA.
And yes, we have it screenshot. We're deciding whether we should add it to this post.
Update: We added it.
At the Nvidia release, they
At the Nvidia release, they used 3 1080’s in the rigs for the VR playhouse demo. 2 in SLI and one stand alone. According to the guy I asked, the SLI were for the graphics and the 3rd for PhysiX.
Doesn’t confirmdeny anything…just fuel for speculation.
You thought anyone from pcper
You thought anyone from pcper would pick up the phone, call Nvidia and get some facts? No, let’s make an “article” from what a random dude said… I love those so called “journalists”, barely good enough to copy/paste the crap from other “tech” sites without checking anything and spreading even more crap and misinformation…
The post, now deleted, was
The post, now deleted, was from Chris Bencivenga, Support Manager for EVGA.
Update: We put the screenshot in our post.
Yup, I saw his post.
Yup, I saw his post.
Maybe we already did that,
Maybe we already did that, and that info falls under the review NDA, so we allow other writers who are not under NDA to follow and post about publicly leaked info while we adhere to 'so called journalistic integrity' and not just leak the real answer until we have gotten the OK from the company in question…
…I love those so called "anonymous commenters". Barely able to grasp how these kinds of things really work behind the scenes.
Well, so far, you guys have
Well, so far, you guys have been accused of:
-Being nvidia fanboys
-Hating AMD
-Being Intel fanboys
-Copy/pasting other peoples work
and… assassinating JFK.
Fanboy GITs and their
Fanboy GITs and their irrational need for a definite winner! Steer them to ESPN to post there! The market needs both AMD, Nvidia, Intel/others around to compete and drive innovation!
Intel has the best x86 CPU cores, but their graphics are stop-gap at best if you try and use them for non gaming graphics uses(not enough parallel execution resources on Intel’s GPUs). Also AMD’s Zen core may still not best Intel’s latest CPU cores, but AMD’s HSA in addition to the Zen core improvements combined with AMD’s graphics may be enough for AMD in some of the APU/SOC markets!
AMD’s GPUs are a good buy and they have the best in hardware async-compute support, but Nvidia still has more resources for R&D and driver support. DX11 is going out so Nvidia will have to, and has, embraced getting more async-compute in the hardware on their Pascal line of GPUs. More CPU like async-compute on both AMD’s and Nvidia’s GPUs are going to seriously reduce dependency on any makers’ CPU cores for gaming compute, as well as gaming graphics, low latency wise for more gaming compute/graphics done on the GPU for VR gaming too!
The CPU single core IPC metric will become less and less important for the overall gaming market as the DX12/Vulkan API’s begin to take over. The new Graphics APIs are tuned to do more work across more CPU cores, as well a allow more non graphics gaming compute to be accelerated on the GPU.
Or maybe we have a history of
Or maybe we have a history of not breaking NDAs ourselves? Nah, must be our AMD BIOS showing.
Or they might just be too
Or they might just be too busy pressing the “launch benchmark” button in 3D Mark, so we can get whatever on the 17th… All those people signing NDA are just part of NVidia marketing division, nothing else. If they were here to really inform people, they would manage to get a card, not sign any NDA (AKA selling my soul to the devil) and send some numbers… Easier to play Nvidia’s game… Pathetic.
What the hell are you on
What the hell are you on about? Selling your sou- what the fuck are you on about?
are you really that much of
are you really that much of an Idiot? AMD will and does the same thing. NDA is nothing new in the world. If you want newest unreleased hardware NDA will come with it. To call people that sign it as part of “xxxx marketing division”, you are one that is jackoff here.
As i said AMD does same thing so stop acting like a hypocrite saying its only nvidia that does it when many companies do it.
He never said Nvidia is the
He never said Nvidia is the only company that does it. He talked about Nvidia because the article is about, you guessed it, Nvidia.
Going spastic and hurling insults over something that was never actually said is an impressive piece of irrational fanboyism. Kudos.
Read how he said it, he acted
Read how he said it, he acted like cause someone signed the NDA are part of nvidia’s marketing. he didn’t say in exact words it was only nvidia but he throw crap around that someone works for nvidia since they signed it which is completely outta line.
NDAs are how we have enough
NDAs are how we have enough time to test and prepare a review prior to a given product launch. Nothing more. They only limit the spread of specific (briefed) info until that date. They *do not* dictate what info is said or how it is said at the launch.
Doing more then 2 way SLI
Doing more then 2 way SLI kinda pointless on lower cards. For the small % that even use SLI/CF in general its very tiny % of that will go 3 way. Using 980’s back when they were reg price would been 1650$ for 3 way SLI, would probably be just as fast and cheaper to buy 2 980ti’s since less performance loss of SLI/CF. The few i see pissed about this likely gonna be mostly people just looking for something to get mad about but they themselves don’t and won’t use 3x SLI/CF cards.
Going past 2 cards has always
Going past 2 cards has always been a hard sell even on high end, Scaling drops off a lot.
I got the dosh but still don’t see the point in having more than my 2 cards yet, If they remedy it and give us somewhere around 80-90% of where 2 cards are I would open the wallet.
I seriously need to stop
I seriously need to stop reading comments on PCP’er. It’s nothing but piss and vinegar these days. Rivals YouTube and Twitch comments in terms of anger and hate.
Any Red / Green related
Any Red / Green related article is doing it lately. Unfortunately there's not much we can do about how fans are supporting their favorite camp. We have been moderating out profanity, etc as we see it though.
Does Mollom allow you to
Does Mollom allow you to disable Anonymous commenting? In most cases, people are less inclined to fling the kind of vitriol we’ve been seeing in the last few weeks if it can be tied directly to them. Commenting anonymously allows for consequence-free hatred.
(In most cases. Not all, as the tech sites that use Disqus can attest.)
I believe it is an option,
I believe it is an option, yes, but it is also a feature that users want. Lately we have been seeing the bad side of that feature but it does have good uses as well.
Heh at one point i wanted disqus here. Its a lot slower but i wanted comment notifications as it is hard to keep track of comment replies and such
I would suggest that,
I would suggest that, anymore, the vast majority of users that want it are the ones who want to spew their hate, their fanboying, their racism, etc. without fear of being held accountable for it. There may be a few logical, rational, non-trolls using Anonymous accounts, but I feel confident in making the claim that the vast majority of them are reveling in their ability to troll anonymously, and nothing else.
I am, however, insanely glad that you chose not to go Disqus. I strongly believe that the comments here would devolve into something akin to Fudzilla or WCCF, considering how many of them would migrate here.
Yeah, it nay be time to
Yeah, it nay be time to rescind anon comenting. it just sucks that people have ruined it for everyone. It's something that Ryan would have to decide on though not me heh.
Yeah Disqus has its issues. I woult like to have something like it is now but with user tagging and reply notifications like reddit.
At the very, very least, it
At the very, very least, it would allow you to identify and ban the one loser running around posting racist, sexist, homophobic drivel all over your site.
Double the SLI bandwidth with
Double the SLI bandwidth with a new SLI bridge twice the width? Seems pretty obvious what’s going on: use both SLI card-edge connectors in parallel for 2-way SLI. For 4-way that would drop down to ‘normal’ SLI bandwidth, so Nvidia may not have made the decision yet whether to lock to the higher-performance level and limit to 2-card SLI, or allow 3-way/4-way at a halved card-to-card bandwidth (which would further hobble multi-card scaling).
If it half’ed it would be
If it half’ed it would be back to where SLI is now in terms of bandwidth. Its a very small market of people that use 3way SLI as it is. 2 way SLI or even CF is mostly limited that only small % do that. It could be 3 or 4 way on TI models which probably be case but 3way lower end cards usually end up costing more then 2 cards that are faster.
The news of 2 way SLI doesn’t
The news of 2 way SLI doesn’t shock nor affect me one bit. I own an X99 rig with an Asus R5E mb which supports 4 cards in SLI/CF but run it with a single WaterCooled GTX 980TI SC. Why? My monitor is an Ultrawide 3440 x 1440 and the 980TI SC is so fast now at stock I doubt I would ever go more than 2 cards.
Second, the bandwidth issue for multiple cards AND the profile support rears it’s head more now.
From what I read DX12 requires the game developer, not NVidia or AMD, to support multiple cards with a profile. You really think that is going to happen when single cards keep getting faster and faster?
I’ll close with this. I like to custom water cool because it is fun. However, as cpus, and now gpus get smaller and more power efficient, the true “value” of spending lots of $$$$ to custom water cool is almost gone.
Nvidia made a wise decision financially.
I’m running a 3440 x 1440
I’m running a 3440 x 1440 monitor @ 100Hz with two overclocked Titan X’s in SLI and I can’t keep a steady 100 fps on new titels on max settings. I doubt you can do it with a single 980 Ti. Multi-gpu (at least 2-way) is a must for someone in my situation. There;s definitely a market for it.
as said 3 way SLI doesn’t
as said 3 way SLI doesn’t scale very well, Even though people want to point at crappy drivers, its just as much the game’s fault as its not optimized well to take advantage of them. Amazing how now other game has gotten even remotely close to sniper elite III in terms of it.
The cost of SLI bridges
The cost of SLI bridges always seemed outrageous, and an expense only aesthetics would call for, when board makers include functional bridges.
If I have to buy some expensive new SLI bridge to do SLI this generation that’s just more bullshit extra cost they’re trying to squeeze out of us? Better come free with the cards.
Well DifferentSLIAuto is
Well DifferentSLIAuto is still a thing… That might allow you to enable 4 way SLI without a bridge.
With how poor support has
With how poor support has been for SLI lately, with a GTX 1080 you would really only want to use it if you were pushing 3840×2160+.
You guys really need to check
You guys really need to check your facts before you right something THIS erroneous. During the nVidia event in Austin, as they wrapped and headed to out they clearly showed the 1080’s in a 3-way SLI configuration running just fine. The funny thing about pre-launch rumors is that there are so many of them…but there’s always a few that are so completely ridiculous, that make absolutely NO sense, and yet someone starts posting nonsense like this as either clickbait or just to stir things up for no reason….hell, just use some common sense, nVidia is a business. And like all business, they are in it to make money. Now why would they cut off their own noses to spite their face (only supporting 2 cards in SLI) the result being they sell less cards? Are you guys even thinking when you write nonsense or are you just trying to attract attention to your page (aka clickbait)!?!?!
That was not a 3-way SLI
That was not a 3-way SLI machine. It had a third GPU for Physics calculations. Also, 3 and 4 way SLI is a niche of a niche.
Why still bother with the
Why still bother with the bridges?
AMD hasn’t used any in years, and DX12 mgpu no longer needs them even for nvidia.
Because if they were to adopt
Because if they were to adopt an AMD-style method of communication over the PCI-E instead of using a bridge, it would be an implicit admission that AMD did something good, and Nvidia simply cannot do that – their fanboys would crap their pants in their rage.
+1 Again :).
+1 Again :).