There is a rumour floating around this morning and it is not good. Guru of 3D translated a story over at Nordic Hardware which suggests AMD has stated they will not have any new working cards to show at Computex. The only Polaris hardware they will have ready will be equivalent to the current R9 390 and 390X, albeit at a lower price point. The rumoured problem is that the new flagship cards simply won't hit 850 MHz reliably, which in turn means high end GPUs are right out.
This had better not be true or AMD may find themselves shoeless and GPU enthusiasts will be as disappointed as White Sox fans back in 1919, albeit for different reasons. Those in the NVIDIA camp would do well to remember this has an effect on them as well; why would NVIDIA lower the price on those shiny new 1080's or 1070's when there is nothing in the market to compete with them?
This is a rumour from an anonymous source at an AMD partner, so be sure to take it with a grain of salt and hope that it is completely unsubstantiated; or that a silicon-based miracle happens in the coming months if there is some substance to this.
"Okay before I start on this news-item, I really need to state that this is based on a vague rumor, nothing has been confirmed or denied otherwise. Here's the story, some reports say Polaris 10 can't hit 850 MHz reliably and that availability will be pushed back to October. I sincerely hope the rumor is not true."
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- Intel Is Preparing A Major Restructuring Of Their Graphics Driver @ Phoronix
- Google Chirp To Rival Amazon Echo @ Slashdot
- Blocking ads? Smaller digital publishers are smacked the hardest @ The Register
- Criminals exploit zero day Flash vulnerability @ The Register
- Android VR: Google to launch mid-range Gear VR rival at I/O next week @ The Inquirer
- Microsoft new Surface Book said to be delayed @ DigiTimes
- How-To: Configuring Linux Usage Limits with Docker and AWS ECS @
Dear PCPer,
If you are really
Dear PCPer,
If you are really intrested in spreading rumors, why not spread the rumor too that Nvidia hired forum “actors” to spread good news for Nvidia?
Too much AMD bashing around, and I am sad to see PCPer to be one of them.
They all hire marketing
They all hire marketing turfers, maybe Nvidia more than AMD, because Nvidia has more funds to pay for such services, even Intel got into trouble with some more egregious Astro-Turfing in the past!
It’s more of the Internet Unregulated sorts of websites being like the early days of radio(before the regulations), things were very unregulated at first. The rule of thumb is to never completely trust any website, especially any website that gets market/Ad revenue from the producers/industry of the products that they review!
Review samples and reviewers need to be watched, as that is the very nature of the beast, until regulations require all review samples to be randomly chosen by the manufactures(to avoid an cherry picking by makers of the samples) and randomly picking of benchmarking tools to avoid any cherry picking of results, or even requiring that all reviews/reviewers must use a standardized and pre-approved suite of benchmarks that all hardware reviews must use(independent benchmark software provided by certified impartial benchmarking software makers). The hardware reviews sample selection process could be required to be done by an independent of the hardware makers’ direct influence third party denigrated agency that is responsible for randomly selecting the press outlets that get the review samples by a random lottery process, the same process could be used to select the review samples themselves from randomlectly selected retail/wholesale outlets so the devices makers could not cherry pick the review samples!
It’s the wild wild west out there on the internet short of the necessary regulations, and reading reviews from as many Different sources as possible is the best way to get a more impartial result, including questioning some reviews Without questioning the reviewer’s impartiality. The FTC is the proper agency to take complaints to, and any other state/federal consume watch dog agencies!
There is no excuse for rabid FanBoy-ism, but it’s the wild wild west out there too, in posting land!
AMD has debunked these
AMD has debunked these rumours :
AMD’s own site clearly lists Computex attendance:
At least update your story.
EDIT: Just noticed others are posting this too. Come on PCPer update this article.
Pcper has gone downhill, it
Pcper has gone downhill, it seems like Ryan and others are only interested in clickbaits and getting money from nvidia and logitech by asslicking. Wait for his review of “founders edition” 1080 (basically a refrence card) and give it a gold award and praising price point of 700$.
wccftech and Videocardz
wccftech and Videocardz avoided writing about these rumors. Guru3D and PCPer wrote about them.
Funny isn’t it?
Pretty sad too, I thought
Pretty sad too, I thought PCPer was bigger than the clickbaiting.
Not to mention the rumor came from some random guy on forum with zero credibility
OK, they posted the rumor. No
OK, they posted the rumor. No update? What if the rumor was about Nvidia hardware. Would they have come up with an update or not? Maybe they where too busy taking interviews with Peterson and didn’t had time for updates.
Funny how this rumor had
Funny how this rumor had already been debunked when this “article” was posted. And the author states it was posted based on some very weak rumors in the first place, but still posted it anyway. This site’s credibility hasn’t been all that great due to the bias theyt obviously have, and it’s garbage like this that insures PcPer will never be anything more than a clickbaitfest for gullible chumps.
Rumor debunked by AMD’s
Rumor debunked by AMD’s marketing service…
Did you eat a clown?
so, you are ok with a crappy
so, you are ok with a crappy rumor being posted, but not ok with AMD’s response being posted?
you sir are the one eating clowns.
“the road to hell is paved
“the road to hell is paved with intention”
Don’t try to think for readers like dictators.
Let people think by themselves… since it is pretty obvious guru3d titled their news as rumor.
“Rumor: Polaris validation Failed Might Launch in October Now”. (
Or how to destroy a
Or how to destroy a company’s image and still have a valid excuse about it “I put “Rumor” in my title”.
I have one and it is right here:
If rumors could destroy
If rumors could destroy companies, competitors would invest more in rumors than new technologies…
The facts are undeniable, AMD dug its own grave with marketing lies!
He is right about one thing.
He is right about one thing. They didn’t updated this article.
edit: “the road to hell is
edit: “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”
Funny and suspicious. I
Funny and suspicious. I really thought this site was independent, well … not anymore! 🙁
im watching this site shoot
im watching this site shoot itself in the foot in slow motion.
This all started when they wouldn’t even bother to write an article… just summery up, and post it with a link to the “real” article.
Wellllllllll what? anyone can do that.
excuse? ” we have lives ”
This site pays your bills right? If this is some part time circle jerk and you all have other jobs just pack it up and work your jobs. If not JOB is your LIFE, it pays your bills and allows you to have things.
how much of a cramp would you “life” have if your income dropped to zero…. so take your JOB SERIOUSLY.
Bullying people about their
Bullying people about their job is not a proof of truth… though it may be the rule in your third world country.
Asking them to go back to
Asking them to go back to doing their own leg work is bullying?
Asking to not report and push silly rumors is bullying?
Threating people about their
Threating people about their job to comply to your opinion IS bullying. Your fake questions are BS…
Keep your soviet behaviour to your third world country!
No threat…. nobody can even
No threat…. nobody can even make that threat.. its an example.
“too busy with other stuff” is not an excuse to do a shitty job.
Doing shitty jobs normally results in getting fired.
Asking to please stop doing a shitty job is not being a bully.
In the end they can continue to do whatever they want, I already visit this site less and less because its just a rehash of news I can find at the SOURCE.
They used to not be like this… they used to actually get hardware, do tests, and post real solid numbers. That is how it should be, let the facts speak PERIOD.
You are the one full of hot air throwing out baseless terms “soviet”
Going to call me a RAYCEST next?
Aren’t you late to your next protest of something? Sure there is a cop car that needs flipping somewhere. Don’t forget your mexican flag
Don’t forget your
Don’t forget your mexican flag <-----racist*
its a joke…get it… didn’t
its a joke…get it… didn’t think so.
instead of the second coming of the christ, pascal is the ok.
Both Pascal and Polaris have
Both Pascal and Polaris have Async features! Which of the two has the best Async will have to wait a Year. because the website reviewers are not PHDs, and that benchmarking software, as well as the GPU hardware(Red/Green) has one whole hell of a lot of PHD level software/hardware engineering to get that product to market, including in those benchmarking suites(Lots of PHD math/code logic). You really think that post Anand Lal Shimpi leaving anandtech that you are going to get the proper analysis outside of the pay-walled professional publication now!
Let’s hope that both AMD and Nvidia get even more async-compute features normally associated with a CPU core’s functionality and GPUs can do all the graphics, and gaming graphics, as well as non gaming compute on the GPU, so we can all tell the Chip Pimps at Intel, to go to hell! Thanks for the CPU core IPC metrics Intel, but why do/did we have to eat so much of your terrible GPU/Graphics dog-food over the years just to get your CPU cores! And your crappy CPU cores are so costly and terrible at graphics workloads, even ray tracing takes forever and a day on Intel’s COSTLY CPU cores. GPUs Rule! CPU MOOKs drool!