Update @ 10:30pm, June 7th: Annnnnnnnd it's gone.
Update @ 9:45pm, June 7th: ASUS is now out-of-stock, so I crossed out the relevant links. ZOTAC is still around for now.
Update @ 8:45pm, June 7th: Turns out that it's also available on Newegg US. In fact, it's possible that both sites share from the same stock pool, at least for the US ASUS and US ZOTAC cards, given that Newegg Canada says it ships them from the US.
A couple of GeForce GTX 1080s are available at Newegg Canada at the moment. Both models, one from ASUS and one from ZOTAC, are listed at $909. This seems high, but it's actually the current US-to-Canada exchange rate from the $699 MSRP. If you were interested in the Founders Edition cards, then you have a brief moment to pick one up.
That said, it's looking like the custom-cooled versions might be a better bet. The EVGA dual-fan GAMING SC ACX 3.0 version is listed at $824.99 CDN (~$635 USD) and, from what we've seen so far, seems to be quite a bit cooler than the Founders Edition (albeit we haven't tested sound levels yet). Those should be coming out fairly soon, and will apparently lean on the cheaper side of the Founders Edition fence.
But, if you don't care, go go go go go.
There is also Asus and Zotac
There is also Asus and Zotac founders editions on US newegg now.
Asus: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126101
Zotac: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500396
zotac was said outta stock
zotac was said outta stock now shows in stock, now its listed at a higher price, newegg is outta stock on them
Oh good. So the GTX #80 is
Oh good. So the GTX #80 is now launching at more expensive prices than the #80Ti of last year. I’m afraid of what the 1080ti will cost. Of course, Nvidia will say it’s faster than Titan X so anything under $1000USD will be a bargain!
If you are worried about
If you are worried about price and want the performance 2 1070s in sli should be amazing for 4k 60hz gameplay for $759 or you can wait one year for AMDs enthusiast hbm vega flagship for some price wars.
SLI and “amazing” should not
SLI and “amazing” should not be uttered in the same sentence. The support for SLI has been dismal with each passing year. With more and more of the implementation being put on developers, this will only get worse over time. Nvidia’s commitment to SLI has been laughable at best.
What a rushed release this
What a rushed release this was. $1200 in Australia are you kidding me nvidia and that if you can get one.
Yes those Nvidia Founders are
Yes those Nvidia Founders are getting that mad cash, and Intel is getting even more for a few paltry CPU cores! Talk about some supply side antics from Nvidia and Intel! The early bird gets the shaft from both ends! Ah the milking for money, and the fools are all over each other trying to find enough stocks in the retail channels, and the real stock of GPUs are in Nvidia’s warehouses only to be trickled out, while Intel still has stocks of older SKUs to force into the channel before it will allow its newest SKUs in the supply lines.
Let the wallets be drained!
It looks like what little
It looks like what little supply they had is sold out already. There were a few in stock at MSRP at Amazon also, but they have been re-listed at a higher price or are out of stock. There are still resellers selling them for much above MSRP.
Yeah, especially on Amazon,
Yeah, especially on Amazon, you'll get sellers who buy stock then, when they get it, relist it for a very high price. It's basically like going to a department store and replacing its layaway with an eBay service.
So nVidia makes a paper lunch
So nVidia makes a paper lunch everybody rejoices. 2 week after release date cards are barely available – no it’s not a problem people make excuses like mad.
But when the other company do it – all hell brakes lose !
At least 1070 reviews ( MSI in particular ) shows the same story as 970 ( kind a normal price and the deal to get).
Preliminary results are promising I hope all of the 1070 are like this 🙂
Just a funny story 🙂
Just a funny story 🙂
I advice a friend not to buy 1080 before we have the full picture of what 1070 will be as well as AIB 1080 reviews , did he listen ? No he bought it for 950 USD ( convertet from 1630 BGN ). just because he wanted the FASTEST card this time .
But the wallet is his and he jumps like a stupid fanboy and he will be the one to have to live with it ( waiting to see the price of MSI 1070 and if they will have Armour variant ).
Just to mention MSI 1080 Armour is priced at one of the shops at 1386.99 BGN – witch translate at 807 USD.
Let’s see when the availability normalize when we will land with the prices.
Oh joy. Mid range GPU’s
Oh joy. Mid range GPU’s priced like a titan now up north. (Yes, I know nVidia isn’t responsible for our terrible dollar). It just wasn’t so long ago we were at parity with the USD)
Newegg has a listing for eVGA
Newegg has a listing for eVGA ones, How ever the bad news its one the 3rd party price gouging rip off artists that marked the card up 200$ so its a 900$.
i could understand if they did 30-50$ ok would piss me off if they did that price but more then that is just dickish.