So, despite announcing that they will reskin the Get Windows 10 notification four days ago, Microsoft will release another annoying Get Windows 10 campaign. Based on what looks like a Windows 8.x modern, full-screen prompt, Microsoft will post “Sorry to interrupt, but this is important. Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends July 29th.” It then has two buttons, Upgrade now and Remind me later, and two links, Notify me three more times and Do not notify me again.
It's interesting to see that this prompt looks like Windows 8.x, but will also appear on Windows 7 machines. It will probably be very jarring to a Windows 7 user to see the entire screen turn a slightly purple-ish blue in a UI style that you've never seen before, asking you to essentially flip your PC upside down. I would expect them to customize it for each platform, but meh.
Interestingly, Microsoft also lists the conditions that will prevent this prompt from occurring. If you have already tried Windows 10 on the machine, it will not ask you to upgrade back. This is what I would have expected all of Get Windows 10 to do, but, from experience, previous prompts didn't care if you already tried (and even activated) Windows 10. No, it would ask you again to go back. It will also honor all the other ways that you can disable Get Windows 10. They also say it will not appear if “You have a recent version of the Get Windows 10 app installed.” This confuses me, but I'll leave it here regardless.
Anywho, prepare to be annoyed one last time… or not. I don't know.
One more month before we can
One more month before we can all turn automatic updates back on. Party at my place!
So boot loops, driver
So boot loops, driver freezes, and missing programs!
Seriously, if you aren’t some old grandma, don’t enable auto updates. Microsoft’s history shows they are bumbling fools with auto updates, and they are best left off, only running critical updates, if that.
Omg, how many times must it
Omg, how many times must it be said, google either Never10 or GWX Control Panel and install your updates already…
Yup. That’s what I did on the
Yup. That's what I did on the lappy that tried Windows 10, didn't work too well, but Windows Update kept asking me to try again.
But will Vulkan work well on
But will Vulkan work well on that Laptop Running windows 7, or 8.1(With the TIFKAM UI disabled). That’s going to be intresting for those that have any Vulkan graphics API that may be able to be run under windows 7, or 8.1. Will anyone be reporting on Windows 7, or 8.1 running Vulkan enabled games?
What about AMD’s Zen will it be tied to windows 10, the same for any of AMD’s Bristol Bidge APUs/CPUs that have just been announced, and where are the Bristol Ridge/AM4 motherboards? The same for Intel newest SOCs/CPUs. Hopefully there will be more Steam OS based Steam Machines running the RX 480, and a Bristol Ridge APU, that can be updated to a ZEN CPU or APU at a later time on the AM4 motherboard.
For those that want a PC/Laptop that is not tied to any closed ecosystem Linux/Vulkan will be the only choice going forward! And the Vulkan Graphics API will have the largest devices installed base, as the mobile market will use Vulkan and not DX12!
What do you all like about
What do you all like about windows 10?
The multi-monitor UI.
The multi-monitor UI.
At this moment in time does
At this moment in time does anybody still use Windows Update on W7?
Get lost Macroco$t!
Yes. I do.
Yes. I do.
Only doing critical updates
Only doing critical updates and if something gets injected through there, I will most likely know about it because the amount of tech news I browse.
With automatic updates
With automatic updates disabled and then vetting each kb article before applying them once a month.
dear ms
if you are sorry for
dear ms
if you are sorry for interrupting,
then don’t fucking interrupt
ps. if its important or not its not for you to decide
Windows 7 update is starting
Windows 7 update is starting to show signs of old age and does not work 100%.
It’s a sign that it’s time to update to Windows 10.
Support for older versions is on the way out.
Think about it.
Windows 10 is way superior anyways.
The only reason to stay at 7 would be if you have a business and run specific softwares that are not getting updated and might bug or stop working.
And it’s free so stop crying and do it before you need to pay for it later.
It runs fine on even 10 year old XP laptops.
Too bad that if you have Vista you’re screwed and you have to pay for it full price, which is odd.
By the way Vista is dead and soooo buggy. Chrome won’t even install on Vista anynore.
If you have Win8 don’t even think about going to 10 JUST DO IT.
Win8 sucks as much as Vista did.
“Free” windows 10 is an
“Free” windows 10 is an illusion, when it’s the OS that is also ad-ware, that is also spy-ware, that is also forcing its “updates” with more baked-in nefarious code. When one agrees to the windows 10 EULA, one agrees to become a peasant to the Lords of Redmond, so all you UWP(Universal Windows peasants) GTFO with you better form of servitude to your masters in Redmond! You think that you can turn off all that windows 10 telemetry, but any of those forced “updates” can simply turn that telemetry right back on.
Go ahead fools agree to the EULA, and bend over, because here come the forced updates again, and those “Updates” can have all sorts of extra telemetry, Ad pushing baked-in, or they can declare your favorite non M$ software package to be incomparable with the windows 10 at your Masters’ whims!
I’ve already upgraded to the
I’ve already upgraded to the best Windows OS ever. Stop dragging your feet, upgrade now, and politely, for free. Less than one month to go, unless you’re showering in cash!
You must love the idea of
You must love the idea of having no privacy on your computer. I don’t know a time when Windows wasn’t free 😉
Still can be if you know what
Still can be if you know what you are doing
What about those who don’t?
What about those who don’t?
idiots like you use ADroid
idiots like you use ADroid and use that ad company search engine freely hand over all your personal information and tracking data for crappy “”free”” email and web junk yet a company gives the BEST personal computer OS and you cry about privacy.
You still Missed the point.
You still Missed the point. In android you still have the option to strip all those google nonsense, and still used it (search custom ROMs). every other examples are not OS (not the core). But in MS’s case the core OS its self has all those “unwated” shit in it, and since its completely closed sourced, u have no idea whats behind those “windows”. and add to insult to injury, MS force updates. which means they can either add or remove functions/features as they want(correct me if i’m wrong in this).
If someone came out with the
If someone came out with the best toilet ever but it had glass walls would you still be saying everyone should use this great new toilet?
Microsoft first ticked off
Microsoft first ticked off people with the confusing Windows 8, then follow it up with ticking people off with this crap. They should offer seminars in Customer Disservice. “How best to Anger your own customers”.
Microsoft first ticked off
Microsoft first ticked off people with the confusing Windows 8, then follow it up with ticking people off with this crap. They should offer seminars in Customer Disservice. “How best to Anger your own customers”.
Way superior Spyware, and
Way superior Spyware, and Ad-ware, and software billed by the month via there being windows 10 as a service! Sure the base OS will be free, but that base OS will be devoid of any useful productivity and that’s where that little as a service file that folks have noticed, and that Bott has been spinning about, comes in. M$ does not need that billion installed to make that Apple closed ecosystem Mad Cash, M$ just needs an Apple sized share of the closed OS ecosystem OSAAS model for M$ to make the Apple style billions from a little bit off of every transaction, and the billed services.
The dark blue screen of wallet death is appearing now, it’s a last attempt to ensnare those last victims. Then that M$ UWP sandbox will have a big paywall erected and have its gate closed and locked down, with a notification that ones credit card number will be required. That windows 10 EULA makes it so the lords of Redmond will have complete control over their windows 10 serfdom and the UWP(Universal Windows Peasants) so bound to their Lords of the windows 10 OS Land. You will be subservient to those Redmond Lords’ will, and the forcing, and the wallet draining, and the metrics stealing, and the billing for any useful OS functionality.
Have a good read of that EULA, and see!
Dont forget your tin foil
Dont forget your tin foil hat
Hope you dont use Adroid or use any of that Ad companies free crapware you should read through their EULA. At least Microsoft sells products and doesn’t make a majority of their revenue from ads and data profiling.
“UpgradeSubscription.exe” what’s this file then!
You UWP serf! M$’s is the big old OS/closed ecosystem TRUST, like the Standard OIL TRUST was to the oil business, before The Standard OIL Trust was broken up. M$ is attempting a big land grab onto people’s Third party OEM produced PC/Laptop hardware, and it’s an illegal monopolistic tactic to try and force a vertical market integration/monetization scheme(windows 10) onto the Third Party OEM produced PC/Laptop hardware market.
The old Lords of Redmond are laying claim to your independently produced third party OEM PC/Laptop hardware, and M$ is trying to do what even Apple does not do! Apple is not trying to force its OS/closed ecosystem onto any independently produced third party OEM PC/Laptop hardware! All you universal windows peasants(UWP) will keep repeating your lies but that EULA gives the Lords of Redmond their title to Lord over you and your third party OEM produced PC/laptop hardware via that EULA.
KYFHO of my Third party OEM produced PC/Laptop hardware Lords of Redmond, Don’t Tread On Me!