GeForce Experience will be getting an updated UI soon, and a beta release is available now. It has basically been fully redesigned, although the NVIDIA Control Panel is the same as it has been. That said, even though it is newer, GeForce Experience could benefit from a good overhaul, especially in terms of start-up delay. NVIDIA says it uses 2X less memory and loads 3X faster. It still has a slightly loading bar, but less than a second.
Interestingly, I noticed that, even though I skipped over Sharing Settings on first launch, Instant Replay was set to On by default. This could have been carried over from my previous instance of GeForce Experience, although I'm pretty sure I left it off. Privacy-conscious folks might want to verify that ShadowPlay isn't running, just in case.
One downside for some of our users is that you now require an NVIDIA account (or connect your Google Account to NVIDIA) to access it. Previously, you could use features, like ShadowPlay, while logged out, but that doesn't appear to be the case anymore. This will no-doubt upset some of our audience, but it's not entirely unexpected, given NVIDIA's previous statements about requiring an NVIDIA account for Beta drivers. The rest of GeForce Experience isn't too surprising considering that.
We'll now end where we began: installation. For testing (and hopefully providing feedback) during the beta, NVIDIA will be giving away GTX 1080s on a weekly basis. To enter, you apparently just need to install the Beta and log in with your NVIDIA (or Google) account.
I wish they would fix the
I wish they would fix the truly awful nv control panel rather than ge which I never use anyhow. If I click on advanced settings it lags , click on sli settings and it lags. Try to disable or enable sli is also painfull forcing you to use task manager half the time to shut down app.
led visualizer is gone 🙁
led visualizer is gone 🙁
You can install an older
You can install an older version that has it, and copy the folder “LED Visualizer” under “Program Files (x86)NVIDIA Corporation” to a separate location and run the file “NvLedVisualizer” within.
Voila, no more GeForce Experience needed to control card LEDs.
let’s see, it used to detect
let’s see, it used to detect over 40 games, the beta only found 30. I have 131 games installed through steam alone.
good job nvidia… good job.
I don’t know why the beta
I don’t know why the beta only finds 30 but it’s not meant to find all 131 games. It only finds the ones which geforce experience Auto-Optimize supports
It’s always amazed me how
It’s always amazed me how slow graphics card programs take to load, even when installed on an SSD. It’s not just Nvidia either. I’ve not tried the new Radeon software, but the old CCC was just as bad as Nvidia. GE
Until AMD stopped using .net
Until AMD stopped using .net for CCC, and now uses QT for its graphics card management software. So CCC is using QT now and there are less problems.
I got an APC_INDEX_MISMATCH while installing the beta!!
I just finished installing
I just finished installing the beta and got bluescreen with APC_INDEX_MISMATCH almost imitatively after it finished.
I think NVIDIA should merge
I think NVIDIA should merge Geforce Experience and Nvidia control panel.
Also the Nvidia Control Panel kinda looks like legacy software by now.
No they should not at all. I
No they should not at all. I don’t want to be forced to install geforce experience just to get access to one single feature that I use the control panel for.
I’m actually liking the new
I’m actually liking the new UI for ge. It’s also loading faster for me than previously, but I seem to be in the minority in that area. I do want the LED controls back though.
Wow. No Nvidia Defense Force
Wow. No Nvidia Defense Force yet?
Maybe they’re all in hiding because they were all so vocal in their efforts to bash Crimson and now their precious GeForce Experience is a trainwreck.
Still, I would’ve expected to see “Anonymous Nvidia User” in here with his usual denial-of-reality, “Huang is my mommy and Nvidia can do no wrong and anyone who says anything bad about them is a big meany-head” schtick.
We have no NVIDIA Defense
We have no NVIDIA Defense Force yet but, we sure have an ATI – AMD Trolls Infestation!
Turnabout is fair play,
Turnabout is fair play, loser. You probably shouldn’t dish it out if you can’t take it.
“Interestingly, I noticed
“Interestingly, I noticed that, even though I skipped over Sharing Settings on first launch, Instant Replay was set to On by default. This could have been carried over from my previous instance of GeForce Experience, although I’m pretty sure I left it off. Privacy-conscious folks might want to verify that ShadowPlay isn’t running, just in case.”
I had it defaulted to on on a clean install so it wasn’t just you. It really isn’t a giant privacy concern though. It’s just a running record buffer of gameplay. It only runs with you run a game since desktop capture is OFF by default. It also does not save anything until you hit ALT-F10 to save. It also only saves locally. Nothing is transmitted to Nvidia and no video uploads unless you link your Youtube to it and manually begin an upload of a recorded clip. So no real need to bring up “privacy” here.