Constructing the Accessory Cages and Motherboard Tray

Steps 3 and 4 in the assembly guide cover assembly of the PSU and 5.25" device bay as well as the motherboard tray.

Step 3

Step 3 in the test bench's assembly consists of installing the 5.25" device bay and PSU cages to the middle tray. both cages aare affixed to the tray bottom using M4 8mm screws through the top of the middle tray. The M4 screws use the outer set of rails in the left and right halves of the tray. The PSU cage parts affix horizontally to the underside of the tray. The 5.25" device bay cage parts affix vertically to the underside of the tray. The provided attachment points allow for a great amount of adjustment to the cage position as well as accommodating even larger sized devices in the case of the PSU cage. Notice that the cages mount so that they float above the surface of the table upon which the test bench rests, an improvement over the old design that did not have a PSU attachment point. On thing worth mentioning here, it is easier to attach the 5.25" device bay panels to the device first and then mount the assembly to the middle tray, then doing things in the reverse order.

The 5.25" device bay cage consists of two steel parts with folded portions along the two and bottom for mounting, rigidity, and stability. The top part of the cage contains dual threaded holes at the front and back of the folded portion for mounting to the middle tray. The cage itself supports up to two 5.25" devices or a single 5.25" dual-bay device. Devices are mounted to the cage using the horizontal and vertical mounting rails along the side of both panels.

The two-piece PSU mounting cage consists of a front bracket and a rear bracket. While both brackets contain a large cut-out in the middle section of the bracket, the front bracket is squared and without mounting rails along each corner of the internal rectangular cut-out. Both have upper and lower lips as well as threaded holes in the upper lip, matching the two mount rails in the test bench's middle panel. The lower lip on each panel secures the PSU in place, with the middle cut-out giving more than sufficient room for PSU cable pass-through.

Step 4

In Step 4 of the Praxis WetBench assembly, the user constructs the motherboard tray. The motherboard tray consists of the steel top panel and an acrylic under-panel. The two panel are mated with seven M3 10mm hex head screws going through the steel panel and held in place with an M3 split washer and M3 thumb nut on the acrylic side. The acrylic panel is laser cut to fit the dimensions of the steel top panel, both shadowing and contrasting the base color of the steel top panel. The effect is most pronounced along the bottom of the panel, where the case logo is cut into the panel's surface.

The acrylic panel's holes and dimensions match that of the bottom inside of the steel motherboard panel, sitting in between the bent sides and top lip of the steel panel. The top lip of the steel panel is bent inwards to add rigidity and support to the motherboard tray. The left and right legs are angled to raise the tray over the structure, giving more room in between the motherboard tray and the bench's middle tray when the motherboard tray is mounted to the base structure.

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