The current split of Steam users, according to the Steam Hardware Survey, is 95.5% for Windows, 3.6% for Mac OSX, and 0.8% for Linux. Phoronix reports that this does not count SteamOS, and there might be other “inaccuracies” with the survey, but the Linux figures are 0.04% less than they were before (a relative drop of about 4.8%).
Windows users are up, and Mac OSX is flat.
A 4.8% drop in a month isn't promising, but it's also not too concerning. If you were intending to target a platform with 0.8% marketshare, then you can benefit from the long shelf life that Linux provides. It's not like a publisher is counting on that platform to reach two-week launch window sales figures. We'll see if the pendulum will swing back in the future, especially if Valve creates compelling, new, first-party content for Linux. They seem to be waiting to put their full weight behind it.
“Tagged: valve, steam,
“Tagged: valve, steam, linux”, and ???. Is Steam the new Windows? Yet, “…especially if Valve creates compelling, new, first-party content for Linux…”? Incongruous article!
I stopped using Steam on my
I stopped using Steam on my linux box recently. The prepackaged runtime environment they supply conflict with gpu drivers I’m using. I’m knowledgeable enough about the topic to work around the problem, but at the same time it’s really not worth the effort given the amount (or lack thereof) of linux-specific content.
They should start to separate
They should start to separate laptops and desktops in those stats because having dual-core cpus still beating quad is annoying. Removing all those generic laptips of people who don’t really game on newer games could be more relevent statwise.
“If you were intending to
“If you were intending to target a platform with 0.8% market share, then you can benefit from the long shelf life that Linux provides.”
Really Scott, that’s 0.04% from the OSs in the PC’s/laptop’s shrinking hardware market, and what about tablets and phones running the Linux kernel, and Vulkan, the full Vulkan that runs across all platforms. And that 0.04% may be completely negated by the sampling error. But there has been PC/laptop hardware overall market share shrinkage so its bound to be reflected in any statistics that pull from mostly only PC/Laptop gaming devices.
Are there any statistics that may currently be available that are tracking any windows 7/Vulkan gaming since Vulkan’s release? I’d really like to see any windows 7/Vulkan benchmarks as well as Linux/Vulkan benchmarks, and we Know that M$ will not be to happy about those figures from any technology/gaming websites.
Windows 7, looks to be the main M$ OS kept online after 2020 locked down in a Linux Kernel based VM and still used to run some legacy games. Lets hope that M$ has not convinced AMD to make its Zen Processors tied to only windows 10, like M$ is doing with Intel’s latest SKUs. Vulkan is the way to go for cross OS and devices market platforms, and that mobile devices support for Vulkan is directly transferable to the PC/laptop devices market.
That ARM Mali BiFrost GPU micro-architecture has ARM holdings moving from instruction level parallelism in its GPU’s micro-architecture to a more thread level of parallelism type of GPU micro-architecture similar to AMD’s switch from Terrascale to its GCN GPU micro-architecture! And The Mail BiFrost GPU will be running on the Vulkan Graphics API, and I’m seeing plenty of mobile games advertised on TV, and no PC/laptop games advertisad on TV. Not that it reall matters because with Vulkan those games can be run across all the divices markets.
P.S. It Looks like Imigination Technology has a design win for its Ray Tracing in the GPU’s hardware PowerVR wizzard GPUs.
“Imagination finds VR customer for ray tracing”
The compelling first party
The compelling first party content for Linux in my view has always been freedom.
Linux is only free(dom) if
Linux is only free(dom) if your time is worthless.
Why in 2016 is linux still using a window manager (X… lol) that cannot handle nested windows? Windows 3.1 could.
Why in 2016 is linux still incapable of handling multiple versions of the same library at once without immediately descending into dependency hell? Windows 2000 fixed that.
With windows, I have the freedom to do the job I’m supposed to be doing, instead of screwing around making the tool I’m using for the job work at all, let alone well for the job required.
Considering it is highly doubtful that you are examining line by line every package and library you install, someone can still slip a fast one by you in the form of something malicious, or even just a bug.
Sorry, but being able to look at source code you cannot comprehend does not equal freedom in any way, and a proprietary closed source driver is not slavery.
According to the logic of
According to the logic of that first sentence, people living in a democracy are no more free than people living in a dictatorship because democracy puts the responsibility of organization and administration on the people.
As for your gripes, I can tell you that the version of Linux on my phone uses Mir, not X and the versions on my laptop and server support snap packages, which contain dependencies in themselves.
And are you seriously implying that security vulnerabilities are something exclusive to open source software? Stockholm syndrome should be renamed Redmond syndrome.
Not ONCE have I ever received
Not ONCE have I ever received a hardware survey on my Linux Steam game client but the moment I install it on Windows, that’s when I get one of those surveys. Sorry, this can’t be accurate.
In addition, who cares? I game on Linux and it’s awesome. No virus, no virus protection zapping my resources, it’s fast and responsive, and I don’t care what others are using.
Keep the Linux game conversions coming! I’ve stopped buying Windows-only games!
sorry you are self limiting
sorry you are self limiting your gaming due to internal bias.
Enjoy everything but windows… better ditch that android phone for a flip!!!!!!!!!
news flash, fanbois flock to
news flash, fanbois flock to linux because MS is EVIL.
fanbois figure out linux sucks ass and go back to windows.
No only the morons with no
No only the morons with no skills that need their hands held will want windows 10! So enjoy your new PC its been made into a console by M$ and be sure to make those monthly OS subscription payments. Bend over here it comes again, that forcing from M$! You PC has been XBONED!
and your PC has
and your PC has been….uh……what games can you play again?
OH YEA MS just stated all xbox titles are now PC titles.. XBONED INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I can play all PC and all xbox…YES PLEASE.
back to minesweeper and solitaire linux trolls
sudo get-apt packman
most gamers have
most gamers have no skills.
GUESS WHAT.. how many console gamers have skills? insert disk, press power… GAME
do you blame windows for trying to be THAT EASY?
Linux gamer: can I see your resume….. hmm ok you fail you can’t linux game you have no 733T skills.
Gamers want to game…they don’t want to have to constantly troubleshoot their systems for fuck ups…they want to install..and play.
thats like asking all these noob car drivers to be able to service their own engines.
THIS is the linux community mindset..this is why you are a toxic bunch of trolls with an OS that will go NOWHERE!!!!!!!!!
You are a troll community with no real world common sense.
I bet you are waring a BERN-OUT shirt.
IT guy with over 2 decades of
IT guy with over 2 decades of experience in desktop support for small and large corporations. Windows 10 is the best thing to come along in my life in a very long time. Built in remote desktop support alone is worth it.
The subscription fee lie has been going on for years now. Still hasn’t materialized. Well I suppose if you make yourself a microsoft account, log into the microsoft app store, download the solitare app from it, there is a subscription option for the pro version. The horror….
The “advertising” (which isn’t advertising) in the start menu? right click it, select delete. Gone. Forever. Did you know that because of that “advertising” ability, you can now show newly arrived messages in microsoft outlook directly on your start menu? Your calendar too, and the weather, and the news…
The privacy invasion? You can turn it all off. Microsoft listened and gave you a whole panel where you can turn them all off, and who has ever been outed by microsoft anyway? Your privacy is more likely to be invaded through your online accounts. The privacy invasion fallacy is pushed by people who are upset that they might get caught pirating Windows 10.
Did you know that windows 10 can actually do decent speech to text conversion? You don’t need to talk like a robot, and you can even correct and teach on the fly entirely hands free.
There’s a reliability chart in windows 10 I can use to see what is crashing and when, and it includes a graph that goes back months for all of those things. The backup and system restore and system refresh options have been greatly improved.
I don’t even comprehend how “easier to use, more stable, more secure and faster” is something that only someone with “No skills” would want. Every skilled person I know is ALWAYS looking for an easier and faster way to do things.
But of course, everyone knew your argument was sophomoric and ad-hominem from the moment you used “M$”…
Well, everyone but you knew it.
Now you do too.
do not EVEN..come in here and
do not EVEN..come in here and drop some truth on the linux bois
they wont hear it….they can’t even understand it….
wind0ze MS EVIL
thats all they know, they adjust their tin foil hat just long enough to type long bullshit speeches.
I run both steam under Linux
I run both steam under Linux under fedora and under wine. Strangely, many (not all) of the “linux” supported games actually run better under my wine install of steam. I wonder that that shows up as on their survey, if anything… I don’t recall seeing a survey in over a year…
Just picked the HD remake of AOE II for $3… and played some games under wine on Linux as it’s not listed as available for Linux or steam OS. I wonder how many people are actually running steam on linux under wine and being counted as windows.
This. I’ve been wondering
This. I’ve been wondering this for years. Morover, a lot of wine users set it up as windows xp. Unless wine reports itself as wine in some way, I also wonder how many of those xp users people talk about from steam surveys are actually linux wine users. In any case it’s something valve ought to look into. Has valve ever reported the number of wine installs? come to think of it wine does make registry entries.
I only boot windows up for the few games I have that won’t run well enough otherwise, and as soon as I obtain hardware that can do it, I’ll be running win7 in a VM instead, which will completely solve all kinds of disk, boot management and maintenance and security issues; and is something I personally think even windows fans should do.
I’m smart enough to vote with my wallet, and smart enough to know DX and an OS monopoly are ultimately BAD for the consumer. I will not buy dx12 titles over Vulkan, and I won’t bother with yet another MS OS after win7, so win10 exclusives are out for me. I’ll put the money I save into other more worthy games, which there are plenty of.
this is like wondering how
this is like wondering how many transsexuals report as male not female.
Don’t worry, you are still the 1% of the 1%.
DX is not a monopoly, and it
DX is not a monopoly, and it literally cannot become one. You are welcome to use anything else you like. You can roll your own programming interfaces if you want. Game makers do not do this, because they do not wish to learn a new programming language for no real benefit other than “fighting the man.”
You think there is some vast conspiracy when really it is that skilled programmers like useful tools to do their job, and DX delivers the goods without having to learn other languages that are not as easily ported to other platforms.
What is good for the consumer is programming API’s that are easy for programmers to learn, use, and get the most out of.
Linux will never gain
Linux will never gain widespread foot hold because the community is run by a bunch of loose net dick beaters.
Look at redhat, they write and run the code top down in house…they release to a bunch of dick beaters but they have to maintain and service their product…so its their game or no game.
if something breaks they can go back to the source find what broke and fix it…its tight control so everything they say works WORKS.
Now back to the linux community.. hey dickbeater99923: did you get that driver fix.. people are reporting issues OMG
dickbeater99923: chill i’ll get it fixesd whenever my mom just brought me some chicken tendies i gota eat and shit back off.
meanwhile distro whatever has a major flaw while dickbeater eats his chicken tendies.
this isn’t how you run a serious OS…this is how you run an OS that has lived is life the exact same way since the 90s.. and the only thing that has gotten better is the install process.
In the 90s a windows install.. you could walk away from.
The 90s..a linux install…bust out the beers bitches!!! and when you do get it installed thats it…hardware working… LOL get out the 151!!!!!!!! and you can’t get online to get drivers..cause you don’t have linux modem drivers… “hey todd got that floppy”
the only reason most of you even run linux is because it installed perfect on the 1st try… if it gave you any kind of hell you would have cried bitched at bill gates and installed windows again…while bitching about it.
all you linux dickbeaters do is cry about windows…which 9 times out of 10 is given to you for free with a PC purchase!
go re join your bongo drums outside of wall street.