If you remember Bing Rewards then this will seem familiar, otherwise the gist of the deal is that if you browse on Edge and use Bing to search for 30 hours every month you get a bribe similar to what credit card companies offer. You can choose between Skype credit, ad-free Outlook or Amazon gift cards, perhaps for aspirin to ease your Bing related headache; if such things seem worth your while. The Inquirer points out that this is another reminder that Microsoft tracks all usage of Edge, otherwise they would not be able to verify the amount of Bing you used.
Then again, to carry on the credit card analogy …
"Microsoft Rewards is a rebrand of Bing Rewards, the firm's desperate attempt to get people using the irritating default search engine, and sure enough the bribes for using Edge apply only if you use Bing too."
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Google/google chrome/android(popular competitor) tracks everything also, so why pick on edge? Do you want all indexing services to die so we can’t search for stuff?
Please show us where Googles
Please show us where Googles terms state that they collect anywhere near as much as Microsofts do.
“Things you do
When you use our services — for example, do a search on Google, get directions on Google Maps, or watch a video on YouTube — we collect data to make these services work for you. This can include:
Things you search for
Websites you visit
Videos you watch
Ads you click on or tap
Your location
Device information
IP address and cookie data
Things you create
If you are signed in with your Google Account, we store and protect what you create using our services. This can include:
Emails you send and receive on Gmail
Contacts you add
Calendar events
Photos and videos you upload
Docs, Sheets, and Slides on Drive
Things that make you “you”
When you sign up for a Google account, we keep the basic information that you give us. This can include your:
Email address and password
Phone number
Not to mention:
Log information: When you use Google’s services or view content provided by the company, it may automatically collect and store that data in server logs. This information includes what you search for, the phone numbers of friends that you call, and how long you spoke.
Location information: When you use a location-enabled Google service, the company may collect and process information about your actual location, like GPS signals sent by a mobile device.
Unique application numbers: This number and information about the apps you install may be sent to Google when you install or uninstall that service or when that service contacts the company’s servers for automatic updates and other unspecified reasons.
Local storage: Google may collect and store information, including “personal information,” on your device using browser web storage such as HTML5 and application data caches.
Cookies and anonymous identifiers: The company says it uses unspecified technologies to collect and store information when you visit a Google service, possibly including sending one or two cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device, even when you interact with services the company offers to thier partners.
And NONE of that is anywhere
And NONE of that is anywhere close to the data collection that is turned on by default in Windows 10, which Edge is a part of.
10s terms include the fact that Microsoft analyzes ALL data, including content, which crosses a Windows 10 PC, and they reserve the right to forward all the data they collect to unnamed third parties/agencies.
Google, Apple and all Windows up to 10 DO NOT include the same clause in their terms and 10 is unique in this respect.
Basically 10 is a spying platform disguised as a free OS, but it essentially makes a whole bunch of recently unpopular illegal spying perfectly OK.
How? You have to AGREE to be spied on to use the OS. Notice how it was about as difficult to get rid of 10s installer and update spam as normal malware?
Why did they download 6GB of 10 to peoples PCs after they repeatedly said no?
Why cant Cortana or telemetry be turned off in any version except enterprise?
Once you agree to 10s terms, nothing on your PC that they can spy on is out of reach, because you agreed to a 45 page document you probably didnt read. I read it.
It really is totally unique and reads like a joke. One would think “haha where are the REAL Windows 10 terms?” But those are it and it is the worst spyware ever released, because it requires your consent to spy on you.
Compare that shit you quoted to 10s terms and youll have another good laugh.
All that data must use a lot
All that data must use a lot of bandwidth, good thing I have network monitoring setup, and there’s no tasks taking upstream bandwidth out of a normal amount with the previous builds of windows.
The above quote of TOS from google, doesn’t include the use of chrome, or google based operating systems. I assure you when you use their “free” operating systems they utilize all the same data as Microsoft if not more.
Firefox does this too???
Firefox does this too???
Pretty much everyone does to one extent or another.
30 hours seem excessive. But
30 hours seem excessive. But then again, it takes 10x times longer to find what you’re looking for on Bing compared to Google.
Have you tried it recently? I
Have you tried it recently? I find it superior to Google in most of my searches.
In terms of image searching,
In terms of image searching, Bing is superior. However, general searching is a bit behind Google. Still good, but behind nonetheless.
How dumb do you need to be to
How dumb do you need to be to search for 30 hours a month?
That’s 1.25 hours per day every day.
If the bribe is worth it, i guess an automated bot can be used.
The article is worded poorly.
The article is worded poorly. You just have to use edge for 30 hours, not search that much.
Not to be crass but Bing
Not to be crass but Bing video searches return much better results than Google video searches for adult content. I’d say an order of magnitude better. So if Microsoft is willing to pay me to browse roughly an hour a day of adult content I’m in.
adult content???
adult content???
Not gonna lie, this is the
Not gonna lie, this is the only reason I use Bing.
I tried bing the first time
I tried bing the first time around when they were giving many points for using their search engine, and I regretted it at the end, as I fell for the sunken cost fallacy, and kept going and running every search twice (once for google, and once for bing).
Their search is still horrible, and to make matters worst, it feels deliberately horrible when it comes to how inaccurate the results are.
It feels like the primary results are skewed to people paying for advertising or higher ranking.
I actually prefer Bing on
I actually prefer Bing on pure information searches. It might not have all the advanced features that Google has, but their knowledge database seems to be ahead of Googles atm.
Not to mention that Google
Not to mention that Google seems to have a political bias.
>Microsoft tracks all usage
>Microsoft tracks all usage of Edge, otherwise they would not be able to verify the amount of Bing you used.
Chrome sends default search engine to Google as well, actually even Chromium did that. Combined with podcasts I think Jeremy just has a rage hard on for MS.
Hating on Microsoft seems to
Hating on Microsoft seems to be a pastime that is growing in popularity.
I don’t get it.
Microsoft is just a collection of very smart people largely living in the pacific northwest that are employed by the millions of shareholders around the world. It’s not like they are some private corporation with malicious goals in mind.
The problem is those very
The problem is those very smart people are managed by some really dumb people, Microsoft have good ideas that end up being ruined to serve managerial goals.
First off, they arent smart,
First off, they arent smart, otherwise they would make software that worked worthba shit after being in business for decades.
Secondly, theyd realize that their new desperate measures embodied by Windows 10s government malware style data collection is unsustainable.
Their intent may not be malicious, but its also not transparent why Windows 10 needs to do all of the data collection that is typical of government agencies, except on the entire population of people gullible enough to install a broken piece of shit operating system that is a downgrade from 8.1.
Microsoft is not that private of a corporation either. There are plenty of corporations and multinationals that are basically controlled by the government. You may be too young to remember when the government was threatening to break Microsoft up in the 90s.
I knew they were kinda sleazy before 10, but there really is good reason to despise the direction theyre going. Perhaps if you read the Windows 10 terms youd get it.
You do realise all those
You do realise all those issues are caused by management right?
Software being pushed out the door before it’s ready, management decision, Windows 10 data collection, management decision, everything us end-users get to see is shaped and ultimately sanctioned by management.
They would have to pay me a
They would have to pay me a lot to use edge bing is an irritation but edge is fucking infuriating. It lacks basic functionality that chrome and firefox have and is a buggy pos.
“this is another reminder
“this is another reminder that Microsoft tracks all usage of Edge, otherwise they would not be able to verify the amount of Bing you used”
Yes they would. If you are logged into your Microsoft Account in Edge, they could track your usage of Bing.
Don’t get
Don’t get Scoogled!
Sadly this isn’t available in
Sadly this isn’t available in China. Which is unfortunate because with google being blocked I get to choose between Baidu and Bing. I use Bing a lot when I’m not on a VPN.
All this hate on Microsoft,
All this hate on Microsoft, for windows 10.
Just remember the context of this article, it is about the web browser and search engine, not windows 10 on the whole and in that area, chrome/Google or just about any other web browser/search engine collect just as much. Unless you use DuckDuckGO of course. 🙂
I wonder if those 5 dollar
I wonder if those 5 dollar gift cards stack…