According to ComputerWorld, Microsoft has decided that their 30-day rollback period is too long, and so they reduced it to 10 days with version 1607. Honestly, 30 days seemed a bit too long to leave (in my case) 30 GB of crap laying around your main drive, especially considering a new build is dropped to the public once every six to nine months or so. They should have an interface for users to easily delete early, and maybe even a power-user tool to move it to external storage or something.
This should not affect users who upgrade from Windows 7 and 8.x, unless the rules have changed since the November (1511) update. A non-Windows Insider machine will only install a new build of Windows 10 if the previous install was a clean install, or if the rollback period has already timed out. Also, users can still return to Windows 7 or Windows 8.x by performing a clean install with their respective product key, and Microsoft still provides ISOs on their website even if the user lost their install DVD.
That said, Microsoft still should make this much more clear in their interface, though. Looking at the Settings page, above, there doesn't seem to be any indication that my time is running out. Not cool.
If you don’t want to wait to
If you don’t want to wait to cleanup, you can clean up manually by right-clicking C: drive, properties, general, disk cleanup, clean up system files.
Yeah that seems like it
Yeah that seems like it should be more clearly highlighted. Maybe a button in the settings page. Thanks, though. It's not a place I usually check.
It’s 10 days and then you are
It’s 10 days and then you are pawned! You will obey your Lords in Redmond, now bend over for some more forcing! And now for an unlimited time windows 10 comes with more ads, and personal metrics slurping! You are a serf as soon as you agree to that windows 10 EULA! Windows 10 and its UWP will make sure that you are a Universal Windows Peasant.
All of windows 10’s GBs are crap, 7 is the winner until 2020 when lots of folks will tell M$ to kiss off!
7 is the new XP, but watch out for those tricky KBs!
Anonymous posting rights
Anonymous posting rights really bring them out of the woodwork.
He came out a bit strong,
He came out a bit strong, though the actual message, I can’t but agree
Be very careful when making
Be very careful when making lite of Anons’ posting ability, because the Lords of Redmond have their ways, and serfs can very well become dungon enabled along with their PC/Laptop hardware(1). All props go out to the Anons out there fighting the good fight against the Lords of Redmond, To keep our hardware free from Redmond’s dirty grasp!
“Windows 10 to make the Secure Boot alt-OS lock out a reality”
“7 is the new XP”
“7 is the new XP”
The piece-of-crap that everyone that has to support PCs hates to encounter, spews malware across the internet causing problems for everyone else, requires everyone do the LEgacy Support dance and cripple newer software to kowtow to some shitty old behavior, and a few lusers remain attached to because they Fear Change and/or are too incredibly cheap to move away from some ancient P4 box? And will chant the mantra of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” unironically and in ignorance to the fact that any network-connected device that is not receiving regular security updates IS broke?
XP does just fine safely
XP does just fine safely locked down inside a Linux Kernel based VM(Xen, KVM, etc.) and allowed no internet connection access. There are plenty of multi-million dollar milling machines that are only usable with XP, so those machines will remain using XP, and there are still plenty of government XP machines, as there will be windows 7 machines come 2020 still getting security updates. Thus Windows 7 is the new XP, and there still may be some XP running PCs after 2020 also!
I have been telling to these
I have been telling to these Windows 10 lovers that all PCs are not created equal. For some Windows 10 will work fine, but for others it will be a terrible OS and some even might loose their data.
It is best that people have a live Linux ISO file on USB. If Windows 10 dies or not working for them, then they can still use their PC by booting Linux from the USB stick.
They also can create backup of Windows 7/8.1/10 partitions using Linux.
I deleted Windows 10, and I rarely boot Windows 8.1. So I am free from Microsoft jail.
Don’t security update those
Don’t security update those RT tablets just yet when you can get a Linux based OS on them with simple debugging backdoor!(1)
“Bungling Microsoft singlehandedly proves that golden backdoor keys are a terrible idea
Redmond races to revoke Secure Boot debug policy”